new discs for old pool...


Jan 27, 2017
Hey there, I'm about to replace the discs in a pool. I already read some about it, but want to make sure I'm not overseeing something:

currently I have two scale machines, the one being worked on "A" and the replication "B".

"A" has two independent pools, the first one, originating from freenas times, is running out of space (Raidz3, 10 discs). Now I want to replace those discs, but I'd have 7 discs in a Raidz3.
My plan was to turn off a smb shares and such, take a snapshot to the replication system, turn machine "A" off (probably not necessary?), remove the 10 drives , add the new 7 disks, add them to the old pool that should now be without any discs and start the replication?

Any thoughts are highly appreciated!