New build recommendations

Dec 28, 2022
I am working on a new build to replace several qnap and syn boxes.

One of my qnap boxes is flaky so this is accelerating my build faster than I can get parts.

Situation : I am planning to initially use a consumer grade itx board with an i7 1151 cpu + 16GB ram for 8 x 8TB. One large pool for mainly static data such as media, backups, etc. VMs and containers run on another box.

Question: this is my first dabble into true nas. Is it as simple as reimporting the config when / if I swap out the board later on to get volumes back online?

Will likely pickup an 1151 supermicro board and a i3 or Xeon later. I have a really nice dual 2011 board with xeons and 128GB but that thing dumps way too much heat and is probably overkill for just storage ops.


May 17, 2014
In regards to replacing the system board and simply reloading the configuration. No, their generally is one additional step if the new system board is not the same. You have to manually re-configure the network from the console. Otherwise it should be fine.