netcat+SSH from TrueNAS 12 to Ubuntu, trouble with py-libzfs


Apr 17, 2018
I'm trying to push netcat+SSH replications from TrueNAS 12 to a Pi running Ubuntu 21.04 (regular SSH already works fine), but I can't get a functional install of py-libzfs set up on the Ubuntu side. Does anyone have experience with this setup?

I installed python3-pyzfs from Ubuntu's apt repo, but on the TrueNAS side the job always fails with this error indicating libzfs isn't available in Ubuntu. I also confirmed on the Pi itself that I can't import libzfs in a Python prompt, although I do have one present called libzfs_core.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/", line 9, in
    import libzfs
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'libzfs'
No error.

py-libzfs doesn't seem to be available via pip, and building it from source is beyond me. Any advice on getting this working? Has anyone used SSH+netcat with anything other than a FreeBSD/TrueNAS target?