Need advice on how to incorporate everything I want for a personal NAS solution

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Aug 31, 2012
I would like to continue to use FreeNas ideally for its GUI and support. ZFS and encryption are key and I could still get that through FreeBSD but having the GUI in FreeNAS is nice. Also I haven't reap its benefits just yet but the benefits of saving your config and then re-installing is also a benefit.

What I'm having a dilemma with is ultimately I was hoping not only to use it as home NAS but also a personal cloud server. Tonido is solution that offers that but not support for freebsd. I was thinking about owncloud, I know some ppl are using or trying to incorporate it into freenas but I don't know much about it. Secondary I would like to just add my magicjack to it since it would be running all the time. This isn't extremely important but I do have some years on the MJ so I wouldn't really want to use another source for a phone until I use the years up which is like 2 years left but the main problem with that you can't use other then on a windows platform and eventually when it does run out I want to use it with Google voice instead and use the adapter for the phone so MJ plus isn't really permanent solution to it either.

So what I been thinking about running FreeNas in Windows Server 2012 or maybe Linux or Unix as the main OS and then VM both FreeNas and Windows separately. Is there ideal way of using Virtual OS with security and performance in mind? What would be better Unix (Solaris 12), Linux, or Windows Server 2012 as the base OS and then running everything off from there? What kind of performance hits or problems with security would I have with FreeNAS in virtual enivorment?

I would take any advice towards any of my thinking, even suggesting going a different route all together?
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