I moved my freenas plex server into a dmz and I thought I was struggling with firewall rules when it turns out my plex install is having some issues. I went to bed last night and everything was working - except I can't get the library to update - I looked at logs a bit last night but it was late and I wanted to get some sleep. I woke up this morning and I went to the plex web interface and made a couple minor changes - I'm pretty certain those won't be the issue - I noticed it seemed slow to respond so I went to the server settings and it just spun. I then started looking at the firewall thinking that was the issue, but through the logs I could see it was passing traffic. I then ssh'd out to my friends server to use telnet to connect into the PMS port, where it connected fine. I could telnet from my LAN to port 80 but to 32400 it was getting refused. Digging around further, I could see my NFS mounted media from the LAN to the DMZ was fine, so I thought I'd restart the service via inside the jail. Then I started getting an error that I'd seen a few times before in the last couple days that I thought was related to the firewall rules again, I'm not sure if it's an issue with the network stack or something else. Here's what I see:
root@plexmediaserver_1:/ # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/plexmediaserver stop
ps: /boot/kernel/kernel: No such file or directory
plexmediaserver not running? (check /var/run/plex/plex.pid).
root@plexmediaserver_1:/ # ping google.com
ping: cannot resolve google.com: Host name lookup failure
I can ping localhost, but nothing on the network, I get a network is unreachable error. Sorry I probably spent too much time explaining how I got there, when I want to find out why the jail is in the state it is. I've tried to stop and start the jail but it errors.
service jail onestop plexmediaserver_1
jexec 4 /usr/pbi/plexmediaserver-amd64/control stop
Stoppingthejail....Unmounting user-supplied file-systems
umount: /mnt/storage/jails/plexmediaserver_1//mnt/Movies: not a file system root directory
umount: /mnt/storage/jails/plexmediaserver_1//mnt/TV_Shows: not a file system root directory
Stopping jail with: /etc/rc.shutdown
.Terminating on signal 15
Yet the jail is still up.
The umounts above are NFS mounts from the lan to the dmz, which is mounted read-only to the freenas host via a init script, then mounted using the Jails -> storage
The system is a few months old HPE Proliant gen9, it's only got 4gb of RAM for now, I will pick up either 8 or 16 more, it's just pricey here in Canada, running FreeNAS-11.1-U4. I have FreeNAS running on the LAN where I have sonarr and all the other tools for media acquiring, hence the not so worried right now about the 4gb of RAM
Currently networking system is dead though when I first got up hours ago (PST) it was pingable, and ports were forwarding from the wan - I can't recall now for sure if they were from the lan -
I've since restarted, everything has come ok - if this happens again what further info can I get to you here?
root@plexmediaserver_1:/ # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/plexmediaserver stop
ps: /boot/kernel/kernel: No such file or directory
plexmediaserver not running? (check /var/run/plex/plex.pid).
root@plexmediaserver_1:/ # ping google.com
ping: cannot resolve google.com: Host name lookup failure
I can ping localhost, but nothing on the network, I get a network is unreachable error. Sorry I probably spent too much time explaining how I got there, when I want to find out why the jail is in the state it is. I've tried to stop and start the jail but it errors.
service jail onestop plexmediaserver_1
jexec 4 /usr/pbi/plexmediaserver-amd64/control stop
Stoppingthejail....Unmounting user-supplied file-systems
umount: /mnt/storage/jails/plexmediaserver_1//mnt/Movies: not a file system root directory
umount: /mnt/storage/jails/plexmediaserver_1//mnt/TV_Shows: not a file system root directory
Stopping jail with: /etc/rc.shutdown
.Terminating on signal 15
Yet the jail is still up.
The umounts above are NFS mounts from the lan to the dmz, which is mounted read-only to the freenas host via a init script, then mounted using the Jails -> storage
The system is a few months old HPE Proliant gen9, it's only got 4gb of RAM for now, I will pick up either 8 or 16 more, it's just pricey here in Canada, running FreeNAS-11.1-U4. I have FreeNAS running on the LAN where I have sonarr and all the other tools for media acquiring, hence the not so worried right now about the 4gb of RAM
Currently networking system is dead though when I first got up hours ago (PST) it was pingable, and ports were forwarding from the wan - I can't recall now for sure if they were from the lan -
I've since restarted, everything has come ok - if this happens again what further info can I get to you here?