Multi service permissions

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Jul 24, 2014
I know that using different services to share the same dataset is not ideal because of possibly conflicting file-locking policies. That aside I am totally stumped and need help with a solution/suggestion.

Scenario: Linux Webservers that handle web/compute for a large archive are connected to FreeNAS datasets via NFS. Each user has his/her own dataset. NFS shares are set with nobody/nobody mapping because the storage network is totally private without any internet access. No permission issues here, web servers can run all scripts, etc on files and have full ownership. Files are upload to this archive via a web interface, so, once files arrive on NFS storage, they are owned by web servers. all good

I am trying to set up an FTP Drop (write only) for the users. Ideally, they would login to FTP, drop files, web servers process/ingest/etc and done. The php mechanism for this ingestion process works 100%. all good

Problem: Cannot figure out the proper/best way to configure this FTP Drop. Anytime I set up FTP, either through FreeNAS or vsftpd on the web server, I run into a permissions problem, where the new files or directories belong to the FTP user and not to the web server. Manually changing permissions all-day is out of the question and writing a script to change permissions at a set interval would slow down or break the ingestion process.

The FTP accounts all have to be unique and protected because they will be used over the internet. Does anyone have a good suggestion for getting FTP dropped files onto an NFS shared dataset without bumping into these permission problems.

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