Mounting a TureNAS Share inside a Rocky Linux VM on TrueNAS CORE


Feb 10, 2021
I have a Rocky Linux VM running on my TrueNAS, which is running TrueNAS 13.0-U5.2. I have several needs to pass data either from, or through, the VM to the TrueNAS storage - specifically, I am looking to pass backups of content out of the VM, and from outside sources (that FTP into the VM to store backups), and would like to be able to access those backups on the ThreNAS side from a normal share.

I see some discussion on about doing this with SCALE, but not CORE. I also see multiple mentions that it can be done by mounting an NFS share from the Host to the VM, but I have yet to find instructions on HOW to do this - how to set permissions, etc.

Can anyone point me to a guide, or give the steps necessary on both sides to let me save backups from the VM to a mounted NFS share?

Thank you!