The title pretty much sums it up, while using NFS on Windows 7 Premium (I'm a gamer :() I get a "mount request denied" error.
Per a suggestion elsewhere on this forum, I tried SSH'ing into the server, and I was able to access /mnt/Volume1/Documents, create files, and create folders.
I am able to map // to a drive, but never /mnt/Volume1/. Once I have /mnt/Volume1/ mapped I am able to see all of my shares for Volume1, but I am unable to enter them (access denied error).
I have tried logging in as the admin/main user (gerenba) and root. Below is the permissions info for the Documents share:
Below is my /etc/exports file:
/mnt/Volume1/Code -alldirs -ro -maproot=gerenba:Coders: -network
/mnt/Volume1/Documents -alldirs -mapall=gerenba:1001
I've tried variations of the above, but they didn't work either.
The server is guaranteed to have the IP, and I am guaranteed to have the IP (through Static IP's and Dynamic IP reservation as a back up). I'm hardcoding the IP's here to simplify things as much as possible, obviously a range would be better.
Per a suggestion elsewhere on this forum, I tried SSH'ing into the server, and I was able to access /mnt/Volume1/Documents, create files, and create folders.
I am able to map // to a drive, but never /mnt/Volume1/. Once I have /mnt/Volume1/ mapped I am able to see all of my shares for Volume1, but I am unable to enter them (access denied error).
I have tried logging in as the admin/main user (gerenba) and root. Below is the permissions info for the Documents share:
Below is my /etc/exports file:
/mnt/Volume1/Code -alldirs -ro -maproot=gerenba:Coders: -network
/mnt/Volume1/Documents -alldirs -mapall=gerenba:1001
I've tried variations of the above, but they didn't work either.
The server is guaranteed to have the IP, and I am guaranteed to have the IP (through Static IP's and Dynamic IP reservation as a back up). I'm hardcoding the IP's here to simplify things as much as possible, obviously a range would be better.