SOLVED motherboard damage - rebuild system - no drives work now??

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High Voltage

Jul 7, 2017
soo....appologies if this happens to be in the wrong board, I'm honestly not sure if it should be exactly here, or not, but I'm shooting it here on the chance its NOT actually hardware related or other board related....

soooo....yea, had overheating issues on my dual cpu system, found out why, was in the process of replacing badly aged (AND PREMATURELY AGED) thermal paste, and one of the cpu heatsinks fell onto the motherboard shearing off a tiny component and manging pins on another, finally got the board replaced, and what do ya know, I still, 4 months later from the date it went down, still have no idea if any of my data, time, and research into how to best set the storage up for near perfect chance of data protection, because its throwing errors that I do not understand.

so, long story short and to the point, everything is the same, except maybe the exact pcie slots things are plugged into as they were before the replacement motherboard, yet now, for some unknown reason, when freenas attempts to boot, it always gets to the point JUST RIGHT BEFORE the systems operating system fully initializes, and then detects that somehow, none of the 16 or 18 data disks are spun up, somehow, it sees them PERFECTLY then right before it loads them, mind you AFTER it imports the volume successfully, it then says someting to the effect of sata passthrough from sas failed to detect spinup - waiting X seconds for drive to attempt to spin up, and does this, for every single drive in the system that is used for data storage, does not have any issues with the mirrored boot ssds, nor the mirrored usb cache drives, JUST the sata data drives, that are plugged into the same exact sas hba (lsi 9something -8i model SPECIFICALLY recommended from here and another user) and the sas expanders that were also specifically recommended from here IF you could actually get a hold of has changed, yet somehow it thinks all 16 or 18 of my drives are now not spinning up at all, which, entirely possible something fucked them all up, is unrealistic given they are separated by two totally different chassis via external sas cables to an external drive cage in addition to the internal drives in the server chassis itself.

so, I'm at a loss, and dont have the willpower to mess with it anymore myself without some sort of guidance or got anything?

High Voltage

Jul 7, 2017
I should add, the damage to the motherboard occurred lung after the system had last been turned off,so there was zero chance that there was any residual electric in the system....were talking it had been offline for well over a month prior to the damage to the board.


Were you able to resolve this or pinpoint the cause of the issue?

High Voltage

Jul 7, 2017
Sadly no I havent yet, I'm going to try relocating some of the add-on cards given that some of them are plugged in in different locations and they were the last time I had this thing running on the previous motherboard before it got damaged however if that's just a thought I had to try and other than that I have no idea what's going on here but I've yet to do that

High Voltage

Jul 7, 2017
I moved the cards back into the exact locations they had prior to me having to rebuild this from a motherboard damage scenario, and its still spitting lines and lines of error code that to me is total nonesence, so I am going to take a video recording of the error codes its spitting at me, and link it here, even if I have to post it to my youtube, so that you all can take a look at it and see whats what, I CAN hear that the hard drives are INDEED spinning up, because I can hear the read/write heads doing what they are supposed to do, given I have it open on my basement floor and my head is listening right above the drive chassis portions of the server case, and now its still spitting the code that to me is total gibberish.

following reply will contain the video URL


May 31, 2016
had the wrong video link, changed/fixed the link now
Do you expect that people rotate their screen 90 degrees to the left trying to help you out? And it is a good idea to add some information to your post about your setup, according to the forum rules. It might help.

High Voltage

Jul 7, 2017
Do you expect that people rotate their screen 90 degrees to the left trying to help you out? And it is a good idea to add some information to your post about your setup, according to the forum rules. It might help. I don't, I didn't realize that was an issue given I'd recorded that with my phone, so apologies on that, I'll edit that tonight and repost the video, and as for the hardware, I thought I had that in my signature already, so I'll add that tonight as well.

High Voltage

Jul 7, 2017
sorry for never getting to this, till now, been a heck of a busy week and had no time, per being so exhausted, to get to it till right now, in the process of editing the video so as to rotate the screen to A USEFUL angle for everyone to be able to see what the in video monitor was spitting out, will reply again with an update when its done....thank you all for your patience and understanding, and even more so for the help I am hopeful to receive.

High Voltage

Jul 7, 2017
as for the details of my setup, that I STILL have yet to add, I am running a tyan s7012 dual socket 1366 motherboard, using dual 6 core xeons (x5660 s), 80 gigabytes of ddr3 registered ecc, 18 3tb desktop drives for the storage of freenas, 2u heatsinks with more than adiquate cooling in a 4u chassis, let me know if theres anything more you need to know because my brain is not working very well at this exact moment in time, and I feel as though theres a few things I am leaving out and not recognizing as missing in that list of parts.

new youtube video url CORRECTLY rotated for viewing use :

High Voltage

Jul 7, 2017
Just as an update to this thread a friend of mine helped me discover what the problem actually is apparently my HBA card because after debating whether my friend was right or not and pulling the HBA card out and replacing it with an actual raid card and plugging my expander card into the raid card the raid cards said there was no init 13 devices which means it can't access them which is good cuz I don't want it to and after the portion of boot up that the hard drives would have been accessed by the HBA card it skipped given it couldn't see them and proceeded to boot properly without any issues so this was after swapping my expander card for different ones that are known to be good outside of the one I was using that's known to be good, confirming the HBA card was apparently dying on me or conversely all of my drives are legitimately dead somehow, either way it's either the drives or the HBA card and I'm at some point going to order a replacement HBA card to see if that was it or not, vs the drives.

Tl;dr it IS either the hba card dying on me or somehow all my drivers are dead yet still spin up.
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