Missing Datastore after upgrading to 11.3-U5


Dec 21, 2019
Today it is the first time I actually experience a down side from FN.
Today after upgrading from 11.3-U4.1 to 11.3-U5, surprisingly, I came to a missing dataset.
As usual, after an upgrade, The system is always checked. Making sure that all the data is accessible through the SMB shares. Unfortunately, today after the upgrade inspection, I notice the space consumption was increased, I check my previous logs for the storage and I went from 15% to 14% utilization. This information called my attention which drove me to investigate why the difference. Initially I thought that perhaps the ZFS compression was improved which perhaps was at the code level. No quite thought. Still unconvinced, I started to look a the dataset listing and comparing it the previous listing. That was then, when it was discovered a missing dataset. How do I know is it missing and you didn't deleted on your own? You might ask.

Well, deleting the data set through the Web GUI requires confirmation, which it wasn't confirmed as far as I know. Also requires to go through the motions to delete the dataset. Still thinking I was making a mistake on this assumption and that perhaps the configuration needed to be reloaded, Because of that, an SSH session was established to the storage system and navigated to the volume location and list all the datasets. Still there was one missing data set.

With all this information at hand, is it possible to list the commands or logs ran on the last 2 hours? Or, are there any logs in FN that can be analyzed for the missing dataset?
I am the only one that can access the storage, just in case you need this piece of information.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.