Merge HTPC and FreeNAS Box?

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Jul 13, 2013

I currently have a FreeNAS build with a cheapo AMD 2 core cpu and a m-ATX motherboard.
Booting it off 2x mirrored USB drives.
got 8 hard drives connected to a IT Flashed LSI 9220-8i SAS card.

In my living room I got an HTPC with a 3770K and 980ti, used for couch gaming and movies.
(My old main gaming rig)

Is there any way I can merge the FreeNAS build into my HTPC, so that I only have 1 PC running?
i.e. can I plug my 2 USBs into the HTPC, put my RAID card and hard drives in, and have FreeNAS running in a Virtual environment in for example: Hyper-V?

Or can I have Windows run as a VM in FreeNAS, but still get to use all the Horsepower of the PC without restrictions, and output on the HDMI of the Graphics card?

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Chris Moore

Hall of Famer
May 2, 2015
I currently have a FreeNas build with a cheapo AMD 2 core cpu and a m-ATX motherboard.
Doing what you want is possible with a single computer, but I don't think the computer you have would be up to the task.
In my living room I got an HTPC with a 3770K and 980ti
This system is not ideal for FreeNAS, but it might be a possibility. Much depends on the system board and how well it supports virtualization.

You might get some ideas from looking at the build that @Stux did
Build Report: Node 304 + X10SDV-TLN4F [ESXi/FreeNAS AIO]
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