kernel error g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)] error = 5

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Jun 19, 2011
I've got FN 8.0.1 - beta4 running on physical server HP ML115G5 system on fast CORSAIR 32GB FLASH VOYAGER GTR stick.

Very often (after 1-5 hours of runtime) I am getting kernel errors:
Aug 2 10:49:47 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug 2 10:54:20 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed

Here's the partial log for the system once it was rebooted from GUI (full log at

Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas newsyslog[1120]: logfile first created
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: Copyright (c) 1992-2011 The FreeBSD Project.
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p2 #0: Tue Jul 12 12:11:37 PDT 2011
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: amd64
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  E2160  @ 1.80GHz (1795.51-MHz K8-class CPU)
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x6fd  Family = 6  Model = f  Stepping = 13
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 scbus4 target 0 lun 0
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: da0: <Corsair Voyager GTR 0.00> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device 
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: da0: 40.000MB/s transfers
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: da0: 30976MB (63438848 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 3948C)
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: cd0 at ata2 bus 0 scbus2 target 0 lun 0SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: cd0: 
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: <HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH15L FA01> Removable CD-ROM SCSI-0 device 
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: cd0: 150.000MB/s transfers (SATA 1.x, UDMA5, ATAPI 12bytes, PIO 8192bytes)
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: GEOM: da0s1: geometry does not match label (16h,63s != 255h,63s).
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas kernel: Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ufs/FreeNASs1a
Aug  2 10:05:54 freenas root: /etc/rc: WARNING: failed precmd routine for vmware_guestd
Aug  2 10:05:55 freenas ntpd[1485]: ntpd 4.2.4p5-a (1)
Aug  2 10:05:55 freenas kernel: fuse4bsd: version 0.3.9-pre1, FUSE ABI 7.8
Aug  2 10:05:56 freenas kernel: bge0: link state changed to UP
Aug  2 10:06:25 freenas ntpd_initres[1493]: host name not found:
Aug  2 10:06:25 freenas ntpd_initres[1493]: couldn't resolve `', giving up on it
Aug  2 10:06:25 freenas ntpd_initres[1493]: host name not found:
Aug  2 10:06:25 freenas ntpd_initres[1493]: couldn't resolve `', giving up on it
Aug  2 10:06:25 freenas ntpd_initres[1493]: host name not found:
Aug  2 10:06:25 freenas ntpd_initres[1493]: couldn't resolve `', giving up on it
Aug  2 10:44:53 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 10:44:53 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 10:45:38 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 10:45:38 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 10:47:22 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 10:47:22 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 10:47:22 freenas kernel: 
Aug  2 10:49:47 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 10:49:47 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 10:54:20 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 10:54:20 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 10:54:52 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 10:54:52 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 10:56:26 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 10:56:26 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 10:57:50 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 10:57:50 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 10:58:23 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 10:58:23 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 10:59:18 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 10:59:18 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 11:55:05 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 11:55:05 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 11:57:54 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 11:57:54 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 11:58:34 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 11:58:34 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 12:03:59 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 12:03:59 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 12:07:38 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 12:07:38 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5
Aug  2 12:08:12 freenas kernel: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense failed
Aug  2 12:08:12 freenas kernel: g_vfs_done():ufs/FreeNASs4[WRITE(offset=28672, length=4096)]error = 5

Tried reinstalling from brand new iso, no change in default settings - same result. No hard drives connected (only FN usb stick), no other USB devices.

Could it be related to USB stick as it seems that it can't write something to it?
Anyone ideas what's going on?

Similar (only similar) ticket at support.

Screenshot of frozen system:


Jul 1, 2011
It's definitely your USB stick "da0", certainly looks like a bug, or a defective flash drive. Have you tried another flash drive just to see? (log says 512 blocks, but it looks like those write it's trying to do are 4k)


Jun 19, 2011
Tried using another cheap USB flash drive. Works fine for ~18 hours now. However I'd like to get to the bottom of whether one of the most expensive and fastest flash drives CORSAIR 32GB FLASH VOYAGER GTR is corrupt of whether its FN bug.

Any ideas on how to test the drive - whether it's corrupt or whether it's technical design that is not being correctly supported by FN?


Jun 12, 2011
Well, it must be an issue with Corsair.

I've the Corsair VoyagerGT 1100 2GB 2-3 years old and working great.

With the new one Corsair Flash Voyager GT - 8 GB already after 5-10min
I have the same panic.

So, in conclusion, stay away from Corsair GT


Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011
To quickly test flash, I typically do something like this, alter as needed for size of test image, etc:

# dd if=/dev/random of=randomtestfile size=1048576 count=2000
# dd if=randomtestfile of=/dev/daNN size=1048576 count=2000
# dd if=/dev/daNN of=resulttestfile size=1048576 count=2000
# cmp randomtestfile resulttestfile

For the _most_ part, flash that's defective won't manage to survive this simple test. But if you want to go further, you can do several re-reads of the flash, generate more than one randomtestfile and try different files on the flash, etc.

Using the most expensive (or the cheapest) flash isn't a guarantee that things will work well, alas. We've had good luck with Kingston parts over the years, but I'm very careful to run the parts through the Kingston Authenticity Validator prior to use. One of the sad facts is that there's a fair amount of knock-off crap in the market. No one's really immune, we've gotten ripoff-version Intel=lookalike server ethernet cards from NewEgg in the past, for example. But even authentic parts are subject to problems.


Sep 19, 2011
I'm running off of a Kingston 2GB SD card and see the exact same error crop up (except on da2 instead of da0; I assume that is because of the SD card intead of USB...?). Sometimes it happens during boot, sometimes it takes a couple of days. The system ends up completely frozen-- no GUI access, console keyboard/screen completely frozen. I have to hard power down and reboot to get the system back.
Is the flash really that flakey that it can run fine for hours or days, and then crash the system?


Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011
I've seen flaky flash. It could be. Quickest thing to try is the $5 flash replacement. Could be a bad flash reader too. Is it a big USB SD adapter? Is someone wiggling it? Is there any vibration in your chassis?

I've had reasonable success with Kingston MicroSD cards combined with a metal-bodied USB-to-MicroSD reader, specifically

that sort which are easy to find but cost more than the commodity ones you'll most commonly find. These things are basically a MicroSD reader embedded in a conventional metal USB plug. They don't loosen up, they don't wiggle, the MicroSD is securely held, etc. The primary downside is that it's MicroSD, so it may be somewhat slower than SD.
Dec 12, 2011
I´ve had the same issue with PNY Attache Evolutive 4GB USB-Stick USB 2.0. After a reboot last morning everything seems to be fine again. FN 8.0.3 p1


Feb 29, 2012
Running 8.0.4-RELEASE on i386.

I also got these AutoSense failed error, followed by a kernel panic, while rsync'ing my main volume to an external USB drive with a UFS partition. Always fails within a few minutes of transfer. See screenshot for details.

I am currently repeating the operation with another different drive, this one with an NTFS partition (that's what I have handy right now) to see if the problem can be reproduced.


  • freenasbug.jpg
    100.8 KB · Views: 486


Aug 7, 2011
after updating from 8.0.4 to 8.2-beta1 (both x64) I have got the message "geometry does not match label" and booting is stopped at this point. I have tested several USB Flash Drives, and none worked with 8.2-beta1.
I reflashed 8.0.4 and all works fine again.
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