I've been looking at building a NAS for work, but after searching for all of the components I thought why not turn a spare Vostro 200 into a (6) HDD NAS?
This is the full size tower so it has plenty of room. I'll have to upgrade the PS (300W), but what I don't have is an enclosure to hold the extra two drives. The system has two 5.25" slots in front (where my DVD drives are now), and below that there are two spots for 3.25" drives to mount against the frame. Does anyone make an enclosure I can mount on the frame to add two more HDD for a total of 6 HDD?
This is the full size tower so it has plenty of room. I'll have to upgrade the PS (300W), but what I don't have is an enclosure to hold the extra two drives. The system has two 5.25" slots in front (where my DVD drives are now), and below that there are two spots for 3.25" drives to mount against the frame. Does anyone make an enclosure I can mount on the frame to add two more HDD for a total of 6 HDD?