I screwed up my migration, can I fix it ?

Nov 13, 2022
So, as title says, I screwed up my ''migration'' for my apps.
I was actually converting my main Pool from a triple-vdev RAIDZ1 (I know, that's dumb) to a better RAIDZ3 setup.
So, I just backup everything from my pool with a simple command:

sudo cp -r /mnt/POOL1-RZ1 /mnt/POOL4/Data/POOL1-BACKUP

Process completes overnight and after a long day of work, I come back home, delete the pool as all my data is now saved on my second pool and a quick checksum matches both folders so everything is there for sure, and while I'm at it I replace a dying drive.

So after I'm done will all that I just recreate the pool but as RAIDZ3 and now I realize that whoops, my apps were on POOL1-RZ1 as opposed to POOL2 on my other server, so I thought I was good not double-checking which pool my apps were on since they're always on POOL2 on my other server.

I noticed that in my backup I have over on my POOL4, I have the directory ix-applications backed up.
Can I recover my apps from this ?
So far I have tried to simply copy the folder and overwrite every existing ix-applications folder it recreated on POOL1 but doing so prevents k3s.service to even startup at all.
I'm about to attempt copying without overwriting the existing files and see if it works.

Is there a way to do this at all or did I really 100% screwed up everything by not migrating the apps to another pool beforehand ?

Note: I wouldn't loose much data redoing all the apps since the most important apps I use are not stored with PVCs (but rather host paths), but I would like to avoid reinstalling everything as much as possible.

Note2: I have both TrueNAS official, Custom images and TrueCharts apps on that server.