HA-HA... this joke is definitely on me !
Hi All (FreeNAS-NooB here)
Very first experience this weekend in the brave new world of The Home File Server. Built according to the great advice in this forum, my box is based on ASRock C2550D4I.
Using 2 USB2 sticks in the front ports of Define R4 case, I
could not get Setup to recognize the target stick. Tried a handful of sticks from different manufacturers - nada. Very sad face.
After hours of
search/read/attempt/fail cycles, instinct finally provided the answer: INSERT TARGET ON A DIFFERENT CONTROLLER !
I simply pulled the stick from the front panel, and plugged into the remaining port on the backplane... HA - thumb drive recognized and Setup completed successfully ! I'm not sure exactly why this would be, but it solved my roadblock.
UPDATE: OK, figured out the "why". Since this board supports only 3 x USB ports, jumper settings determine which ones will be active. The factory default is set for 2 on the backplane, 1 via the mobo header.
The R4 case has a 10-pin USB 2 plug - which would "normally" connect both front panel ports to the controller. Bzzzzzzzt !! Default jumper setting = only 1 of 2 header connections are active. Duuuuh - another re-RTFM moment

So for any C2550D4I/C2750D4I-ers out there experiencing the same frustration - I hope this helps :).