How do i re-run task `certificate.renew_certs` manually?

Aug 11, 2021
I am using the ACME/Lets Encrypt integration to issue the TLS certificate used for the web interface and API.

I got an email notification this morning:

Certificate 'web_lets-encrypt_prod' is expiring within 9 days.​

I logged in and took a look at the Task Manager and saw this:

certificate.renew_certs 50.00%

Status: FAILEDStart Time: 2022-04-14 19:55:31Finished Time: 2022-04-14 19:56:33Error: Requesting Name does not resolve

As luck would have it, the `certificate.renew_certs` task was running _at the exact same time that I applied patches / rebooted my DNS server_. DNS server work was done at about 20:05; about 10 min after the failure ^.

So this leaves me with two questions:

- How do I manually re-run the certificate renewal task? There does not appear to be a way to do this via the web UI... but is there a CLI tool that I can use to re-run the task?

- How can I adjust the "expiration" threshold so certificates are renewed 15d before their expiration; the current behavior (don't attempt to refresh unless cert is within 9? days of expiration) is a bit too close for comfort. I can set this on _new_ certificates ... but there does not appear to be any way to modify this on existing certificates.


**EDIT** I woke up to an email this morning telling me that the cert expires "within 9 days".
Did a bit more google, and it looks like i'm not the only person that's "stuck" with a similar issue.

This ticket is asking to update the renewal time to the "suggested" 30d:

And these threads are asking the same thing that this thread is asking: how to manually run the job from CLI?

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