how can i Rsync folders from freenas to synology?

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Sander Jansen

Dec 26, 2015
I need some folders synced with 1 or 2 other nasses (those are synology) but i cant figure out how to get it working. for a start, synology doesnt have a full rsync function? but does support it... from what i found in other posts i need to use rsync via ssh option. but then i have problems getting the public and privet keys to work. i could generate the key from the user account i am going to use but after that i cant figure out what to do next so that freenas actually sees the key and lets me use it. also i dont know where to put the key on the synology nas...

I followed this guide: but i guess im doing something wrong... i got as far as pasting the key in the user profile on the freenas box but somehow when making the rsync job, it still asks for a key and wont let me finish the settings...

for the synology nas i was planning on sending the key file to a friend of mine (where the synology nas is) and that he could past it in somewhere? maybe someone can tell me where he could do that?

so i dont know what is going wrong but on both systems it wont work... can someone tell me hot to set this up right?

sorry for all the rambling but its frustrating when you follow a guide and things still wont work... thanks for the help :)
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Did you make any progress with this? If not, what is the build version (from System -> Information)?

Sander Jansen

Dec 26, 2015
Im still working on this...

my build version: FreeNAS-9.3-STABLE-201512121950

I was thinking of mounting the synology and running rsync over that... but its not possible to mount ssh/sftp connections... so im pretty much stuck on this... also i want to look into vpn tomorrow but still the ebst way to run it would be to use rsync over ssh... but if possible without the ssl keys... just with username and password would be the best... synology doesnt support keys out of the box and for it to work, my friends needs to edit some config files for it to accept the connection... witch also is something he and i would rather not do...

for now im going to bed and ill pick things up tomorrow...

EDIT: im trying something else now... what i was trying to do in the first place... i wanted to use rsync over ssh... and i started to mess around with the command a bit... and this should be possible...
what i have so far is something like this:

rsync -avsz --size-only --progress --stats 'ssh -p 1555' user1@x.x.x.x:/remote/path /local/path

thing is, the data needs to be synced both ways... so its going to be 2 jobs per folder... no problems there i hope... but what worryes me the most is that i have to specify a password somewhere along the command because im not willing to remember to do this every day and wait for it to complete and start the next one...(doing the job manually)... so if someone can tell me if its possible to add a password to the command, that would be great... i did try to work with the ssl keys but it was a nightmare...
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Sander Jansen

Dec 26, 2015
Well scrap that day of looking stuff up... turns out that synology only allows ssh connection to a root user (witch im not, my friend is) for understandeble reasons he doesnt want to add a syncing user to the admin group...

in another post i was working on some way with VPN... and i would like to pick that up... but somehow its not as simple... most guids i find use openvpn but also premade key files and certificates... the thing is, i and my friend have both vpn servers already running so it should be easy... the way we login in just by username and password... so i dont have certificate files for openvpn... all i need to do is just login... but i cant fiend a guide that does this... can someone point me to a guide that would fit this situation?

My idea is to have a jail connected with vpn and run rsync from there... i probably also dont need to mount his share anymore as its just available on the network anyway... well ill see what happens when i have vpn running... mounting smb from there shouldn't be a problem if needed...

and yes i know pptp isnt secure anymore... but its whats been running for a long time and never faild us, no metter what os we used to connect
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