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- Feb 21, 2019
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Hi all, I made this how-to after struggling with this in the last days. Maybe this is interesting for some of you.
I will make it more pretty in the next week. If you have any suggestions feel free to write.
My main language is not english but I thought to reach a bigger community when writing this in english. So please forgive some mistakes.
How to install JDownloader2-Headless (Java) with rar5 extraction in a FreeNAS 11.1 iocage jail
### This is a guide for noobs who have no idea how to start this. I'm not an expert. I just made this running properly and want to share how I did this. ###
system: HP-N54L with 9TB RAID-Z1 storage
software: FreeNAS-11.1-U6
###1### Prepare your download folder ###
I assume that you already created a dataset within your ZFS tank for the downloaded files to be stored. You can do this in the FreeNAS gui.
Log in to your jail via SSH or use the shell in the webinterface. The first option is highly recommended.
Make sure to make it belong to the root by the following command:
to make it save set the rights for reading and writing to owner and group with this:
(here is a calculator for you if you want to give other rights https://chmod-calculator.com/)
###2### Create the iocage ###
Lets start and create the jail for our JDownloader.
First of all lets see what releases your system has to offer:
I chose option 6 (11.1). Higher releases should also work in general but here is a bug in FreeNAS at the moment that does not let you start 11.2 jail's again after the first start. So also chose 11.1 to be save.
This can take some time as the release is downloaded and extractet.
Type in "
You can see in m case its "bge0".
Now we create the jail with the following command:
-r is for chosing the release.
boot=on means its starts when your host system starts.
vnet=off makes us using share ip with the host system.
ip4_addr sets our network config. Chose a free IP in your lokal network.
With this setup you can later on just switch to Direct-Connection-Mode and just need to open a port in your router for the Jail IP.
After sending the whole command it should look like this:
Check if the jail is up and running with a short "
Remember the JID, as we need it later.
###3### Enter thematix iocage ###
Let's log in to our jail with this:
1 is the JID. Its a counting number. If you restart the jail it will rise till you restart the host system.
So if you need to log in to the jail just check the ID first with a "jls" command.
We are now root in the jail and start with this to create our download folder
then enter "
mount the share of the hostsystem permanently to your new jail with this:
Your dataset is now mounted as /mnt/Downloads within the jail whenever it starts
start the jail again
log in to the jail again (jid has rised)
lets update it (make sure you are INSIDE the jail!)
Maybe you need to install pkg first but the system will ask you if you want to. Just answer everything with y.
Also kernel missmatch questions - just y.
you should get:
Time to upgrade:
type in this:
answer all with y.
After nano is installed type in:
you will get to this file:
Change the
all questions y and later
with all questions y.
Looks fine. Time to install some packages which we might need in the future.
Always say y if there is a question. (every package is important - make sure to get all)
installing these packages can take a moment.
(fyi: if you need to search for a package in case there is a new version or a different name you can do it with
###4### Install the JDownloader2 ###
Let's get jdownloader.
first create a folder for the jdownloader. "jdownloader" in the root will make the job
now download the jdownloader
start jdownloader and let it do its thing (lots of text will run down the screen)
when you see this screen...
...Run this:
Then again
when you see this you can insert your myjdownloader login information after typing y and enter
you should see the jdownloader now in you myjdownloader web gui as Jdownloader@root.
Go to its Settings and change the download folder to /mnt/Downloads
The / before mnt is important.
Now add a zip testfile to the linkgrabber of you jdownloader and start the download.
it should be downloaded and extracted without a problem.
but when you to this now with a rar5 file, jdownloaded will not extract. that because out of the box jdownloaded in the FreeNAS jail can't handle rar5.
###5### Compile the rar5 packages ###
but here we will compile the needed packages for ourselfes.
Stop the jdownloader with CTRL+C in the terminal and insert this:
change in the new subfolder with
and run
now we start compiling the package for our system:
the folder /usr/local/openjdk8 might be a bit different on your system if you use ther java versions or other releases. keep this in mind.
some text will appear and it should say
now insert this, it will take a while and lots of text will run down the screen.
if you get the
(you can go to the end of the line with the "End" key on the keyboard ... its a very long line.)
then close and save wiht CTRL+X, followed by y and enter.
now again try make:
after a few sec its should say
now insert
again some text blabla... and you will find the holy grale to unpack rar5 in here:
(you might have other version numbers)
in the zip file you will find two files which need to be renamed and moved:
so do this:
check if everything went well:
you should see
root@jd2:/jdownloader/libs # ls
bcprov-jdk15on.jar jackson-databind.jar proxyVole.jar
brotli.jar JAntiCaptcha.jar sevenzipjbinding.jar
cons.jar JDGUI.jar sevenzipjbinding1509.jar
dbus JDHttp.jar sevenzipjbinding1509Bsd.jar
Dynamics.jar JDUtils.jar sevenzipjbindingBsd.jar
Filters.jar jna_platform.jar svgSalamander.jar
htmlunit-core-js.jar jna.jar UPNP
image4j.jar js.jar zip4j.jar
jackson-annotations.jar jsyntaxpane.jar
jackson-core.jar laf
sevenzipjbinding1509Bsd.jar and sevenzipjbinding1509.jar are in place. your jdownloader can now extract rar5 files.
lets test:
start the jdownloader with
add a test rar5 file to the download quere via myjdownloader webinterface and test if the file gets extracted after download.
in my case the testfiles was extractet.
if not you can create a log from the regarding time via webinterface and check the ExtractionExtension.log.0 file within the regarding folder in /jdownloader/logs
so now we have a running jail with w working rar5 compatible jdownloader.
would be nice if the jdownloader starts if the jail starts, right?
###5### Configure autostart for JDownloader2 ###
lets create a simple script as a service for the jdownlader which starts when the jail starts
switch to /etc/rc.d/ with
create our script file and make it executeable
lets start scripting
paste this:
Because of "umask 000" the process which writes the files later to the disk makes the files fully read-, write, and deleateable by any user who can access the share where the files are. This makes it easy to manage the files from any windows machine in the network. Without this only the root user of our system could manage them properly.
then save and exit with CTRL+X then y and enter.
From now you can use this three commands in terminal: care for the one
if you want to make this service autostart now
edit the rc.conf
and add this line to the bottom:
the file should look like this for example:
then save and exit with CTRL+X then y and enter.
after editing the rc.conf you can leafe away the one for the commands and your jd2 will autostart when the iocage starts
lets try out our service
fire up the service with
jdownloader should start now - if you want you can close with with the myjdownloader webinterface.
lets try if it starts on jail/host reboot.
cross your fingers and fire it up again:
check the JID and enter the jail
java should be running now, lets check:
it is! autostart works!
in the host sytem you might want to make a snapshot of you new working jail to recover it in the future if something fails:
So what do we have now?
We have a iocage called jd2 which starts automaticly when the host system starts.
within this we have a rar5 compatible jdownloader which starts when the iocage starts.
downloaded files are stored extraxted in /mnt/Download which is monuted from your host system dataset.
in the FreeNAS gui you can make a SMB Share for examle to let windows users access the dataset and the extracted and downloaded files in there. Due to the way of how SharedIP works we can easily use the direct connection mode of jdownloader without the need of additional setup. Just open the port you chose in the myjdownloader webgui in your router for the IP of the jail and we're done.
If you have any suggestions feel free to write.
My main language is not english but I thought to reach a bigger community when writing this in english. So please be patient with some mistakes.
used sources:
chmod calculator: https://chmod-calculator.com/
iocage usage: https://iocage.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basic-use.html
iocage networking: https://iocage.readthedocs.io/en/latest/networking.html
use fstab in iocage: https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/iocage-jail-and-storage.59875/post-424831
install jdownloader in freenas: https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/tutorial-jdownloader-in-a-jail.48374/
fixing "libdl.so.1" not found" error: https://forums.freenas.org/index.ph...n-jail-with-libdl-so-1-not-found-error.70391/
gitub resource jor sevenzipjbind: https://github.com/borisbrodski/sevenzipjbinding/tree/migrate-to-15.09-try2
jdownloader startscript: https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/tutorial-jdownloader-in-a-jail.48374/post-345343
Bug fixing in jdowdnloader board: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=79842
new jd2 service script: https://board.jdownloader.org/showpost.php?p=436847&postcount=22
kill a task without knowing pid: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/138202/can-i-chain-pgrep-with-kill
I will make it more pretty in the next week. If you have any suggestions feel free to write.
My main language is not english but I thought to reach a bigger community when writing this in english. So please forgive some mistakes.
How to install JDownloader2-Headless (Java) with rar5 extraction in a FreeNAS 11.1 iocage jail
### This is a guide for noobs who have no idea how to start this. I'm not an expert. I just made this running properly and want to share how I did this. ###
system: HP-N54L with 9TB RAID-Z1 storage
software: FreeNAS-11.1-U6
###1### Prepare your download folder ###
I assume that you already created a dataset within your ZFS tank for the downloaded files to be stored. You can do this in the FreeNAS gui.
Log in to your jail via SSH or use the shell in the webinterface. The first option is highly recommended.
Make sure to make it belong to the root by the following command:
root@host:~ # chown -R root:wheel /mnt/"your tank"/"your dataset"
to make it save set the rights for reading and writing to owner and group with this:
root@host:~ # chmod -R 660 /mnt/"your tank"/"your dataset"
(here is a calculator for you if you want to give other rights https://chmod-calculator.com/)
###2### Create the iocage ###
Lets start and create the jail for our JDownloader.
First of all lets see what releases your system has to offer:
root@host:~ # iocage fetch
[0] 9.3-RELEASE (EOL)
[1] 10.1-RELEASE (EOL)
[2] 10.2-RELEASE (EOL)
[3] 10.3-RELEASE (EOL)
[4] 10.4-RELEASE (EOL)
[5] 11.0-RELEASE (EOL)
[6] 11.1-RELEASE (EOL)
[7] 11.2-RELEASE
[8] 12.0-RELEASE
Type the number of the desired RELEASE
Press [Enter] to fetch the default selection: (11.1-RELEASE)
Type EXIT to quit:
I chose option 6 (11.1). Higher releases should also work in general but here is a bug in FreeNAS at the moment that does not let you start 11.2 jail's again after the first start. So also chose 11.1 to be save.
This can take some time as the release is downloaded and extractet.
Type in "
" to see the name of your main network adapter:root@host:~ # ifconfig
bge0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
hwaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
inet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex,master>)
status: active
You can see in m case its "bge0".
Now we create the jail with the following command:
root@host:~ # iocage create -r 11.1-RELEASE --name jd2 boot=on vnet=off ip4_addr="bge0|"
-r is for chosing the release.
boot=on means its starts when your host system starts.
vnet=off makes us using share ip with the host system.
ip4_addr sets our network config. Chose a free IP in your lokal network.
With this setup you can later on just switch to Direct-Connection-Mode and just need to open a port in your router for the Jail IP.
After sending the whole command it should look like this:
root@host:~ # iocage create -r 11.1-RELEASE --name jd2 boot=on vnet=off ip4_addr="bge0|"
jd2 successfully created!
* Starting jd2
+ Started OK
+ Starting services OK
Check if the jail is up and running with a short "
".root@host:~ # jls
JID IP Address Hostname Path
1 jd2 /mnt/iocage/jails/jd2/root
Remember the JID, as we need it later.
###3### Enter the
Let's log in to our jail with this:
root@host:~ # jexec 1 tcsh
root@jd2:/ #
1 is the JID. Its a counting number. If you restart the jail it will rise till you restart the host system.
So if you need to log in to the jail just check the ID first with a "jls" command.
We are now root in the jail and start with this to create our download folder
root@jd2:/ # mkdir /mnt/Downloads
then enter "
" and stop the jail withroot@host:~ # iocage stop jd2
* Stopping jd2
+ Running prestop OK
+ Stopping services OK
+ Removing jail process OK
+ Running poststop OK
mount the share of the hostsystem permanently to your new jail with this:
root@host:~ # iocage fstab -a jd2 "/mnt/"your tank"/"your dataset"/ /mnt/Downloads nullfs rw 0 0"
Successfully added mount to jd2's fstab
Your dataset is now mounted as /mnt/Downloads within the jail whenever it starts
start the jail again
root@host:~ # iocage start jd2
* Starting jd2
+ Started OK
+ Starting services OK
log in to the jail again (jid has rised)
root@host:~ # jexec 2 tcsh
root@jd2:/ #
lets update it (make sure you are INSIDE the jail!)
root@jd2:/ # pkg update
Maybe you need to install pkg first but the system will ask you if you want to. Just answer everything with y.
Also kernel missmatch questions - just y.
you should get:
root@jd2:/ # pkg update
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Time to upgrade:
root@jd2:/ # pkg upgrade
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Updating database digests format: 100%
Checking for upgrades (1 candidates): 100%
Processing candidates (1 candidates): 100%
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Your packages are up to date.
type in this:
root@jd2:/ # pkg install nano
answer all with y.
After nano is installed type in:
root@jd2:/ # nano /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf
you will get to this file:
# $FreeBSD: releng/11.1/etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf 320745 2017-07-06 17:22:33Z gjb $ # # To disable this repository, instead of modifying or removing this file, # create a /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf file: # # mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos # echo "FreeBSD: { enabled: no }" > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf # FreeBSD: { url: "pkg+http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/quarterly", mirror_type: "srv", signature_type: "fingerprints", fingerprints: "/usr/share/keys/pkg", enabled: yes }
Change the
to release_2
and press CTRL+X, then y and enter. This step is also very important if you have a kernel missmatch like me. If not changed you can run into "libdl.so.1" not found" error.then
pkg update -f
all questions y and later
pkg upgrade -f
with all questions y.
Looks fine. Time to install some packages which we might need in the future.
Always say y if there is a question. (every package is important - make sure to get all)
pkg install nano compat9x-amd64-9.3.903000.20170608 compat11x-amd64-11.2.1102000.20181014 p7zip-16.02_2 p7zip-codec-rar-16.02_1 unzip zip unrar rar libunrar5 libarchive cmake lang/gcc openjdk8-jre-8.202.8 openjdk8-8.202.8 bootstrap-openjdk8-r450802 wget python27-2.7.15 git
installing these packages can take a moment.
(fyi: if you need to search for a package in case there is a new version or a different name you can do it with
pkg search "name"
like pkg search compat
)###4### Install the JDownloader2 ###
Let's get jdownloader.
first create a folder for the jdownloader. "jdownloader" in the root will make the job
root@jd2:/ # mkdir /jdownloader
root@jd2:/ # cd /jdownloader
root@jd2:/jdownloader #
now download the jdownloader
root@jd2:/jdownloader # wget http://installer.jdownloader.org/JDownloader.jar
start jdownloader and let it do its thing (lots of text will run down the screen)
root@jd2:/jdownloader # java -jar JDownloader.jar -norestart
when you see this screen...
|---------------------------Headless Information------------------------------- | Restart Required | JDownloader Updated Itself and will exit now. | Please restart JDownloader after a few seconds. | Make sure that there is no running JDownloader process before restarting. |------------------------------------------------------------------------------ root@jd2:/jdownloader #
...Run this:
root@jd2:/jdownloader # chown -R root:wheel /jdownloader
root@jd2:/jdownloader # chmod -R 770 /jdownloader/tmp
Then again
root@jd2:/jdownloader # java -jar JDownloader.jar -norestart
when you see this you can insert your myjdownloader login information after typing y and enter
|---------------------------Headless Information------------------------------- | MyJDownloader Setup | Your 'My JDownloader' logins are not correct. | Please check username/email and password! | Enter y -> Enter Logins | Enter n -> Exit JDownloader
you should see the jdownloader now in you myjdownloader web gui as Jdownloader@root.
Go to its Settings and change the download folder to /mnt/Downloads
The / before mnt is important.
Now add a zip testfile to the linkgrabber of you jdownloader and start the download.
it should be downloaded and extracted without a problem.
but when you to this now with a rar5 file, jdownloaded will not extract. that because out of the box jdownloaded in the FreeNAS jail can't handle rar5.
###5### Compile the rar5 packages ###
but here we will compile the needed packages for ourselfes.
Stop the jdownloader with CTRL+C in the terminal and insert this:
root@jd2:/jdownloader # mkdir /rar5
root@jd2:/jdownloader # cd /rar5
root@jd2:/jdownloader # git clone https://github.com/borisbrodski/sevenzipjbinding.git sevenzipbinding
change in the new subfolder with
root@jd2:/rar5 # cd sevenzipbinding/
and run
root@jd2:/rar5/sevenzipbinding # git checkout migrate-to-15.09-try2
Branch 'migrate-to-15.09-try2' set up to track remote branch 'migrate-to-15.09-try2' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'migrate-to-15.09-try2'
now we start compiling the package for our system:
the folder /usr/local/openjdk8 might be a bit different on your system if you use ther java versions or other releases. keep this in mind.
root@jd2:/rar5/sevenzipbinding # cmake . -DJAVA_JDK=/usr/local/openjdk8
some text will appear and it should say
"-- Build files have been written to: /rar5/sevenzipbinding"
now insert this, it will take a while and lots of text will run down the screen.
root@jd2:/rar5/sevenzipbinding # make
if you get the
"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldl"
error you will need to delete the "-ldl"
parameter at the end of this file, like this:(you can go to the end of the line with the "End" key on the keyboard ... its a very long line.)
root@jd2:/rar5/sevenzipbinding # nano /rar5/sevenzipbinding/jbinding-cpp/CMakeFiles/7-Zip-JBinding.dir/link.txt
then close and save wiht CTRL+X, followed by y and enter.
now again try make:
root@jd2:/rar5/sevenzipbinding # make
after a few sec its should say
[100%] Built target sevenzipjbinding-lib-jar
now insert
root@jd2:/rar5/sevenzipbinding # make package
again some text blabla... and you will find the holy grale to unpack rar5 in here:
(you might have other version numbers)
in the zip file you will find two files which need to be renamed and moved:
so do this:
root@jd2:/rar5/sevenzipbinding # unzip sevenzipjbinding-15.09-2.01beta-FreeBSD-amd64.zip
root@jd2:/rar5/sevenzipbinding # cd sevenzipjbinding-15.09-2.01beta-FreeBSD-amd64/lib
root@jd2:/rar5/sevenzipbinding # mv sevenzipjbinding.jar /jdownloader/libs/sevenzipjbinding1509.jar
root@jd2:/rar5/sevenzipbinding # mv sevenzipjbinding-FreeBSD-amd64.jar /jdownloader/libs/sevenzipjbinding1509Bsd.jar
check if everything went well:
root@jd2:/jdownloader/libs # cd /jdownloader/libs/
root@jd2:/jdownloader/libs # ls
you should see
root@jd2:/jdownloader/libs # ls
bcprov-jdk15on.jar jackson-databind.jar proxyVole.jar
brotli.jar JAntiCaptcha.jar sevenzipjbinding.jar
cons.jar JDGUI.jar sevenzipjbinding1509.jar
dbus JDHttp.jar sevenzipjbinding1509Bsd.jar
Dynamics.jar JDUtils.jar sevenzipjbindingBsd.jar
Filters.jar jna_platform.jar svgSalamander.jar
htmlunit-core-js.jar jna.jar UPNP
image4j.jar js.jar zip4j.jar
jackson-annotations.jar jsyntaxpane.jar
jackson-core.jar laf
sevenzipjbinding1509Bsd.jar and sevenzipjbinding1509.jar are in place. your jdownloader can now extract rar5 files.
lets test:
start the jdownloader with
root@jd2:/jdownloader/libs # java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar JDownloader.jar >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
add a test rar5 file to the download quere via myjdownloader webinterface and test if the file gets extracted after download.
in my case the testfiles was extractet.
if not you can create a log from the regarding time via webinterface and check the ExtractionExtension.log.0 file within the regarding folder in /jdownloader/logs
so now we have a running jail with w working rar5 compatible jdownloader.
would be nice if the jdownloader starts if the jail starts, right?
###5### Configure autostart for JDownloader2 ###
lets create a simple script as a service for the jdownlader which starts when the jail starts
switch to /etc/rc.d/ with
root@jd2:/ # cd /etc/rc.d/
create our script file and make it executeable
root@jd2:/etc/rc.d # touch jd2
root@jd2:/etc/rc.d # chmod +x jd2
lets start scripting
root@jd2:/etc/rc.d # nano jd2
paste this:
#!/bin/sh . /etc/rc.subr name=jd2 rcvar=jd2_enable start_cmd="${name}_start" stop_cmd="${name}_stop" load_rc_config $name jd2_start() { #!/bin/bash echo "starting JDownloader2..." umask 000 cd /jdownloader/ /usr/local/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar JDownloader.jar >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & } jd2_stop() { #!/bin/bash echo "killing java (and JDownloader2)..." pgrep java | xargs kill } jd2_restart() { #!/bin/bash echo "killing java (and JDownloader2)..." pgrep java | xargs kill umask 000 cd /jdownloader/ echo "starting JDownloader2..." /usr/local/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar JDownloader.jar >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & } run_rc_command "$1"
Because of "umask 000" the process which writes the files later to the disk makes the files fully read-, write, and deleateable by any user who can access the share where the files are. This makes it easy to manage the files from any windows machine in the network. Without this only the root user of our system could manage them properly.
then save and exit with CTRL+X then y and enter.
From now you can use this three commands in terminal: care for the one
root@jd2:/ # service jd2 onestart
#This will start the JDownloader in silent headless mode.root@jd2:/ # service jd2 onestop
#This will kill the java task and so also kill JDownloader2.root@jd2:/ # service jd2 onerestart
#This will do both, stop and start again.if you want to make this service autostart now
edit the rc.conf
root@jd2:/etc # nano /etc/rc.conf
and add this line to the bottom:
the file should look like this for example:
host_hostname="jd2" cron_flags="$cron_flags -J 15" # Disable Sendmail by default sendmail_enable="NONE" sendmail_submit_enable="NO" sendmail_outbound_enable="NO" sendmail_msp_queue_enable="NO" # Run secure syslog syslogd_flags="-c -ss" # Enable IPv6 ipv6_activate_all_interfaces="YES" jd2_enable="YES"
then save and exit with CTRL+X then y and enter.
after editing the rc.conf you can leafe away the one for the commands and your jd2 will autostart when the iocage starts
root@jd2:/ # service jd2 start
#This will start the JDownloader in silent headless mode.root@jd2:/ # service jd2 stop
#This will kill the java task and so also kill JDownloader2.root@jd2:/ # service jd2 restart
#This will do both, stop and start again.lets try out our service
fire up the service with
root@jd2:/etc # service jd2 start
starting JDownloader2...
jdownloader should start now - if you want you can close with with the myjdownloader webinterface.
lets try if it starts on jail/host reboot.
root@jd2:/etc # exit
root@host:~ # iocage stop jd2
* Stopping jd2
+ Running prestop OK
+ Stopping services OK
+ Removing jail process OK
+ Running poststop OK
cross your fingers and fire it up again:
root@host:~ # iocage start jd2
check the JID and enter the jail
root@host:~ # jls
JID IP Address Hostname Path
4 jd2 /mnt/iocage/jails/jd2/root
root@host:~ # jexec 4 tcsh
root@jd2:/ #
java should be running now, lets check:
root@jd2:/ # top
it is! autostart works!
in the host sytem you might want to make a snapshot of you new working jail to recover it in the future if something fails:
root@host:~ # iocage snapshot jd2
So what do we have now?
We have a iocage called jd2 which starts automaticly when the host system starts.
within this we have a rar5 compatible jdownloader which starts when the iocage starts.
downloaded files are stored extraxted in /mnt/Download which is monuted from your host system dataset.
in the FreeNAS gui you can make a SMB Share for examle to let windows users access the dataset and the extracted and downloaded files in there. Due to the way of how SharedIP works we can easily use the direct connection mode of jdownloader without the need of additional setup. Just open the port you chose in the myjdownloader webgui in your router for the IP of the jail and we're done.
If you have any suggestions feel free to write.
My main language is not english but I thought to reach a bigger community when writing this in english. So please be patient with some mistakes.
used sources:
chmod calculator: https://chmod-calculator.com/
iocage usage: https://iocage.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basic-use.html
iocage networking: https://iocage.readthedocs.io/en/latest/networking.html
use fstab in iocage: https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/iocage-jail-and-storage.59875/post-424831
install jdownloader in freenas: https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/tutorial-jdownloader-in-a-jail.48374/
fixing "libdl.so.1" not found" error: https://forums.freenas.org/index.ph...n-jail-with-libdl-so-1-not-found-error.70391/
gitub resource jor sevenzipjbind: https://github.com/borisbrodski/sevenzipjbinding/tree/migrate-to-15.09-try2
jdownloader startscript: https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/tutorial-jdownloader-in-a-jail.48374/post-345343
Bug fixing in jdowdnloader board: https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=79842
new jd2 service script: https://board.jdownloader.org/showpost.php?p=436847&postcount=22
kill a task without knowing pid: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/138202/can-i-chain-pgrep-with-kill
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