Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode (with a twist)

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Jun 11, 2011
So let me start by saying, don't beat me up for this post. I did my due diligence and researched with as many resources as I could find online.

My issue started the other day when I was upgrading my environment from v9.1.1 to the current stable v9.2.1.5. After the reboot is when I first encountered the "Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode" message. As an aside my system is maxed out at 4GB of RAM.

So after doing my research and testing my various HW components, I ruled out it being a HW issue (at least based on my verification of said HW).

At this point I'm thinking perhaps I've found myself at the hands of a "defect", deciding at this point what do I have to lose, lets try the latest beta v9.2.1.6. Create myself a disk and off we go, booting directly from that image I hit the same message.

After some time, and much panic, I remember that prior to the upgrade I was on v9.1.1 and things were working, why not back-level to v9.1.1. So I give it a try, I actually get the disk to boot up and run the upgrade with no issues.

Now we reboot...after a reboot it appears that the system goes through several checks, cleans up and reboot again. After what seems like for every, several additional messages, some of which include details about retrying, retrying, retrying...etc., you get my drift. The system comes back up.

I connect to the web interface, check out my windows share and everything appears to check out.

To the question, why. What is different from release 9.1.1 to 9.2.x.x (current) releases that is giving me the "Fatal trap 12". I realize that perhaps my HW details are needed, but has there been a large jump in memory requirements that would require more than 4GB. I didn't build a super system, but I did provide more then enough equipment to power a NAS solution (or one might argue you can never have enough).

Any guidance and direction would be greatly appreciated, I would ideally like to be able to upgrade to the latest version, but I value my data and stability far more at this point. Thanks in advance for any input.



Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
4GB of RAM has never been acceptable for ZFS. So that's one major problem. 8.x was 6GB and 9.x is 8GB. Go below that and you stand a chance of losing your data permanently.

Fatal trap 12 is usually a hardware failure or hardware malfunction. Drivers that aren't compatible with hardware can cause fatal trap 12, but they shouldn't as a course of good business.

Your hardware would be most helpful at this point and I'm hoping you aren't going to tell me you have some AMD board that maxes out at 4GB of RAM.

The upgrade from 9.1.x to 9.2.x is a different kernel and drivers. Lots has changed so yeah... kind of shorter list to tell you what hasn't changed.. the name of the project!
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