Dynamic Update Client with DNS-O-MATIC fails


Nov 26, 2016
Hi, thanks for any help
I'm trying to use the DUC (dynamic-update-client) to update for dns-o-matic. I'm receiving an error on FreeNAS:

Failed to get IP address for default@dnsomatic.com, giving up!

I've noticed that the DUC client -- inadyn -- is only 2.2 on my FreeNAS installation 11.2 U6 where as the actual stable release version is 2.5.
For testing purposes, I download and compiled from git source inadyne, however the version I was testing against was 2.6-dev (on my Mac) so I'm not sure if my results are applicable.

On FreeNas, the inadyn.com file is found at /usr/local/etc/inadyn.conf
This is the content of inadyn.conf (I changed username and password on this post to obscure their real values)

period = 300
provider default@dnsomatic.com {
    ssl = true
    username = <username>
    password = <password>
    hostname = { "all.dnsomatic.com" }

So I looked at the code within 2.6-dev. default@dnsomatic.com refers to a label contained within the dyndns.c file where the ddns-server is hardcoded as updates.dnsomatic.com. With inadyne 2.6-dev I was able to slightly modify the inadyn.conf file to the following which actually worked to update:

provider default@dnsomatic.com {
  ssl       = true
  username  = <username>
  password  = <password>
  hostname  = all.dnsomatic.com
    checkip-ssl = true
  checkip-server = canhazip.com

I'm guessing within inadyn-2.2 its possible dnsomatic is not resolving to updates.dnsomatic.com. I'm not sure since I don't have the source code for 2.2. It's possible however to actually manually specify the DDNS server within a custom entry field.

Taking the model a step further -- within dns-o-matic you can define a custom DDNS provider using a custom entry. I used the following inadyn.conf with inadyn-2.6-dev to test which also worked to update.

custom dnsomatic.com {
    ssl      = true
    username = <username>
    password = <password>
    hostname = { all.dnsomatic.com }
      checkip-ssl = true
    checkip-server = canhazip.com
    ddns-server = updates.dnsomatic.com
    ddns-path = "/nic/update?hostname=%h&myip=%i&wildcard=NOCHG&mx=NOCHG&backmx=NOCHG"

Now I wanted to test these setting on FreeNAS. I noticed within the GUI (Services->Dynamic DNS) on the ? symbol located on end of the line marked "Provider", the help bubble states the following:
Several providers are supported. If a provider is not listed, select Custom Provider and enter the information in the Custom Server and Custom Path fields.
There is no "Custom Provider" entry within the drop down menu which I can choose so its really impossible for me to test this custom setting.

My suggestion would be to add the "Custom Provider" setting back in, or just update the included iodyn version with the next release. Thanks.