"Critical Error" for syncing TrueCharts catalog?


Jan 6, 2023
I added the TrueCharts catalog several days ago and it populated just fine. Today, I started seeing this error:

Failed to sync TRUECHARTS catalog: [EFAULT] Failed to clone 'https://github.com/truecharts/catalog' repository at '/mnt/ssdpool1/ix-applications/catalogs/github_com_truecharts_catalog_main' destination: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(128) cmdline: git clone -v https://github.com/truecharts/catalog /mnt/ssdpool1/ix-applications/catalogs/github_com_truecharts_catalog_main stderr: 'Cloning into '/mnt/ssdpool1/ix-applications/catalogs/github_com_truecharts_catalog_main'... fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/truecharts/catalog/': Could not resolve host: github.com '​

Any clue why it is coming up now?

EDIT: NM, I figured out that when I revised my network configuration to an LACP, it didn't populate my DNS Server settings. Re-added the google addresses and its fine now. (Yes, I know I need to start using pihole...it will happen once my new server is fully up and running)
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