Creating degraded pools/importing CLI pools via GUI


Dec 11, 2023
In the process of re-balancing and re-purposing some drives and I've run into some hitches that I just might not understand being a bit newer and all.

Short version; I'm trying to basically do what's outlined here but the GUI won't let me create the degraded pool using a sparse/truncated file (same thing?). And pools I create via the CLI don't show up in the GUI except as a dataset. They're not in the storage overview and they're not in the import list. The USB backup shows up as does the old zpool that was disconnected (4x12 below), but nothing else.

Example commands I'm using. All sparse files for testing.
# truncate -s 16TB disk_{1..4}
# zpool create -R /mnt TempTank raidz2 /mnt/lab/disk_{1..4}
# zpool list

>> TempTank   ..... /mnt

# zpool export TempTank

At no point does the TempTank pool ever appear in the GUI except as a dataset. After the pool is exported, it can no longer be imported by name. I can import it with
# zpool import -a -d /mnt/lab/disk_1
and I can destroy it when it's imported, but that's it.

Background: I currently have two zpools: a 4x12TB RaidZ2 in one pool and a 2x2 mirror with a set of 16TB and 10TB disks respectively. Things are filling up in ways I didn't expect, so I want to move rebalance the pools, having one pool with a single 10TB mirror vdev and the rest of the disks will be in a 6-wide RaidZ2 configuration. The current 2X2 is pretty filled up and I don't have any other places to put things so I hatched a plan to pull one of the 16TB from it's mirror and line it up with the 4X12's and a truncated file to establish a degraded Raid Z2 pool. It'll be down a disk, but plenty big enough to copy everything off of the old mirrored zpool. After which, I can replace the truncated file with the other 16TB. Lo and behold, this is a done thing and there's a guide on it (above link) but it's several years old and not all the commands work. Is it still somethign to look to? Have I overlooked another option?