Creating CRON jobs for Transmission

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Jun 22, 2013
Hi everyone. After some searching, I couldn't find a good way to start and stop Transmission automatically, so I did the following:

  1. Go to System -> Cron Jobs -> Add Cron Job
  2. In the window that appears enter jexec n /usr/local/bin/transmission-remote -n "username:password" -t all -s as the command to execute. Replace n with the jail ID where Transmission is installed and username and password with your Transmission username and password.
  3. Select the root user to execute it, add a description (start all torrents) and set the time and day from the UI. Save.
  4. Add a new cron job for stopping the torrents. Use the same command but replace -s with -S (which will stop all downloads): jexec n /usr/local/bin/transmission-remote -n "username:password" -t all -S. Add description and time and save.
  5. You're done!
Note that after you write your commands, you should test them from the console. They should give you a success message in the console and you can verify that they work from the Transmission web UI.
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