Crafty Installation - Problem with mount path


Jun 19, 2020
Hi, I'm looking for a little bit of help to install/configure crafty apps.

I don't have any problem with port forwarding or what but with the mounting pat process.
In crafty apps we have 5 directories that should be mount to a valid storage location.

1- I created all the datasets that I need :

2- I edited the permissions and set acl as "PSIX_ADMIN" and then add "apps" user to "CraftyFolders" and all it's children.
3- I installed Crafty without changing anything
4- I stopped Crafty and added this mount point :

5- Saved an started again the app gave me this :

[EFAULT] Failed to update chart release: Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "crafty-4" with kind Deployment: The order in patch list: [map[mountPath:/crafty/backups name:persist-list-0 readOnly:true] map[mountPath:/crafty/backups name:backups readOnly:false] map[mountPath:/crafty/app/config readOnly:false] map[mountPath:/dev/shm readOnly:false] map[mountPath:/crafty/import readOnly:false] map[mountPath:/crafty/logs readOnly:false] map[mountPath:/crafty/servers readOnly:false] map[mountPath:/shared readOnly:false] map[mountPath:/tmp readOnly:false] map[mountPath:/var/logs readOnly:false] map[mountPath:/var/run readOnly:false]] doesn't match $setElementOrder list: [map[mountPath:/crafty/backups] map[mountPath:/crafty/app/config] map[mountPath:/dev/shm] map[mountPath:/crafty/import] map[mountPath:/crafty/logs] map[mountPath:/crafty/backups] map[mountPath:/crafty/servers] map[mountPath:/shared] map[mountPath:/tmp] map[mountPath:/var/logs] map[mountPath:/var/run]]

Some of you may probably ask me why I use PVC storage instead of hostpath ?

I tryed like this because why I use host path directly it gave me thisfabulous applicatino events error : "Back-off restarting failed container"

Thanks for future replies :)