Can't copy SMB shared data to another pc

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Aug 26, 2017
I'm trying to copy all of my media from my freenas box to my main rig, but I'm unable to. The beginning of the download starts great at the speeds I would expect, but after a second or 2, they drop down to 0 and nothing will transfer over. I've made sure everything was shared, it even worked a few months ago, but I don't know what I changed. The box has a Xeon 2670, 32gb ECC ram, LSI 9211-i8 IT mode card and 6 (currently 5) wd red drives. I thought if I removed the drive that was being unsucessfully resilvered that would fix it, but I didn't have any luck. I have no idea how to fix this issue, any ideas?


Aug 1, 2014
typically if a pool has corruption and permanent errors then replacing the drive that caused the issue will not ever finish, and even if it does, the array still will show permanent errors and not ever 'go green' again. (whatever you do, do NOT start deleting files that is says are corrupt in the 'zpool status -v' output.)

i have the best luck connecting storage space to freenas directly and then using cp at a terminal to recover whatever data i can. (the one thing zfs is not great at is actually dealing with a drive that continuously writes/reads errors but doesn't actually fail.) you can remount mount the drive from your desktop, or use USB, or whatever, then just CP the data over, set up a reconfigured ZFS pool with a good drive, and copy the data back via regular methods.

i am assuming that you have tried scrubbing, and that things did not get better after the scrub.
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