Cannot add second iSCSI Group to iSCSI target in the Web UI?


Apr 2, 2013
I have a proxmox host which has iscsi storage on my TrueNas Scale system, and everything is well. I am adding a second proxmox host, but I cannot update my iSCSI target to include the new host from the web UI. When I go in to edit the target, I can add the new networks/nics (I am being very narrow and adding the IP with a /32 as an authorized network) and that's fine. I have already created the initiator group for the new host (mirroring the old host). When I go to add a group, I can choose the portal group ID (should be same as the first), I can see the Initiator Group ID for host 2 in the dropdown, and I'm not using CHAP so that's None. When I hit "Save" at the bottom, the UI hangs and never completes. I'm at a bit of a loss, am I doing this right? One option would be to make another target, so one host per target, but I don't believe that's necessary? I'm also not sure where I should be looking for logging on this.
