Best way to access data from EXT-4 Drive


Oct 28, 2023
Hey All,

So I have recently moved from a Mint Linux install to Truenas for my Proliant server and SAS enclosure. I have 10 drives in the SAS enclosure and 8 the server itself. 2 drives in the server are raid 1 boot drives that Truenas is installed on, and 5 are raid 5 EXT4. I can access the raid 5 disks if I boot from a live USB, but I'm having trouble moving the data to an in-between computer to then move into the cluster I've built in Truenas .

My question is, what is the best way to pull the data off the ext4 disk. Is there a way to let Truenas build the VM, pass the disks through and leverage the VM to pull from the EXT4 drive into the cluster? Any help is appreciated!
