Auto troubleshooting for Active Directory and permissions problems

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Sep 12, 2013
FreeNAS Rocks,

What would make it even better is to see many of the trouble shooting commands automatically incorporated into the back ground of Freeness.

Whether its setting up attempting Active directory in FreeNAS or checking permissions, I often find my self having to go through the same troubleshooting steps that I gleaned from your Very Useful documentation.

It would be great if FreeNAS acted upon the results of such commands as below.

Currently if I cannot add my system to the domain I have to walk though the steps provided below. FreeNAS should do that for me, and tell me what needs fixing, if it cannot fix it its self.

wbinfo -u > /var/log/wbinfo-u.txt
wbinfo -g > /var/log/wbinfo-g.txt
wbinfo -t > /var/log/wbinfo-.txt
wbinfo -p > /var/log/wbinfo-p.txt
getent passwd > /var/log/getentp.txt
getent group > /var/log/getentg.txt
net ads join -S dcname -U username

host -t srv

For active directory issues I will also typically run these as well.

./ dump > /var/log/dump.txt

./ count > /var/log/count.txt

./ keys > /var/log/keys.txt

And for troubleshooting permission I usually run through the following:

1) getfacl and the path to that folder

2) ls -lahd of the folder its self

cat /etc/version > /var/log/version.txt
cat /etc/resolv.conf > /var/log/resolv.txt
cat /etc/hosts > /var/log/hosts.txt
cat /etc/exports > /var/log/exports.txt
showmount -e > /var/log/showmount.txt
nfsstat > /var/log/nfsstat.txt
nfsstat -c > /var/log/nfsstat_c.txt
nfsstat -s > /var/log/nfsstat_s.txt
netstat -m > /var/log/netstat.txt
netstat -s -p udp > /var/log/netstat_s.txt

cat /etc/version > version.txt
cat /etc/resolv.conf > resolv.conf
cat /etc/hosts > hosts
cat /etc/exports > exports
showmount -e > showmount
Sep 12, 2013
I have filed a feature request. This one would be really helpful to me. Feature #3173 Auto troubleshooting for Active Directory and permissions problems
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