Attach Jail VNET to second interface?


Nov 1, 2017
I wanted to try a couple of plugins, and selected the VNET option that I hoped could I bind to an unused network interface and then I could connect any plugins or jails to it.

Unfortunately the moment I created the jail I lost connectivity to the machine and couldn't reconnect. Creating the VNET created a bridge that automatically included the primary network interface AND the secondary interface, connected to the same network segment, and screwed everything up.

Is there a way to configure the bridge interface so it only connects the interfaces I want it to? Or, if I want jails separated from the primary interface, am I stuck assigning them to network interfaces until I run out? Is it even worse and I can't do this at all because jail network interfaces aren't fully separated from the main stack like a VM would be? (and connecting multiple interfaces with IP addresses to the same network segment breaks stuff)


Mar 30, 2014
Since you didn't give any system details, it is difficult to offer advice on your specific situation. However, if you are using a recent release of FreeNAS with iocage, you can follow iocage documentation to enable VNET manually and then set things any way you like.

My big question is Why do you want to do this?