I'm thinking of replacing my si3132 pci-e controller - I think it might be giving me problems
What would you recommend for a PCI-E x1 slot 2 x Sata ? I'm in the UK and I've tried to source a couple of jmb362 ex ebay/china but they appear either doa or incompatible with gigabyte I'm looking at the lycom pe-115 scan these use the marvel 9123 chip
What I'm also looking for is if I replace the controller what happens - I take it freenas sees the drives and just uses them - the order isn't important?
What would you recommend for a PCI-E x1 slot 2 x Sata ? I'm in the UK and I've tried to source a couple of jmb362 ex ebay/china but they appear either doa or incompatible with gigabyte I'm looking at the lycom pe-115 scan these use the marvel 9123 chip
What I'm also looking for is if I replace the controller what happens - I take it freenas sees the drives and just uses them - the order isn't important?