transfer files

  1. cozd74

    can you install a web interface program for transferring files via FTP? (eg net2Ftp

    I would like to install a program similar to filezilla on my frenas server to transfer files via FTP from my server to a LAN network disk. how can I do?
  2. cozd74

    si può installare un programma a interfaccia web per il trasferimento dei file via FTP? (es. net2Ftp

    obiettivo è schedulare sul mio server NAS il trasferimento in rete di alcuni file di grosse dimensioni (oltre i 10GB) attualmente svolgo questa operazione dal mio PC con FileZilla il che mi costringe a lasciare accesso il PC per diverse ore vorrei invece usare un sistema simile a net2ftp(*)...
  3. B

    5MB/s Transfer Speed on New FreeNAS Box

    All, I just created my first FreeNAS box and I love it! It all seems to be working well and I have no complaints other than the transfer speeds. I am seeing a maximum of ~5MB/s write speeds to the FreeNAS box. I'll list the box details below. My network has two 100MB/s switches, so I know I...
  4. E

    Hardware Upgrade Results in Slower File Transfers

    Old System: CPU: AMD 1090T RAM: 4x2GB Samsung ECC 1600MHz MOBO: Asus M4A89GTP PRO/USB3 NIC: Intel EXPI9301CT Drive Bay: Icy Dock Black Vortex MB074SP-1B Drives: 4x4TB WD Red (non Pro) New System: CPU: Intel E3-1245 v6 RAM: 2x8GB Kingston DDR4 ECC (KVR24E17S8/8MA) MOBO: MSI C236M Workstation...
  5. M

    FreeNAS 9.10.1 moving data files

    It has taken me weeks and lots of reading to decide between the few good servers out there; FreeNAS, MediaVault, OpenNAS, etc. I settled now for FreeNAS. During the research, which includes an almost complete read of the 306 page documentation, I've tried as well to find an answer to this...