
  1. J

    specify critical temperature alarm SSD!=HDD

    Hi I would like to set critical alarm temperature for HDD to 40 degree Celsius and for SSD to 55. Unfortunately I can only find a general setting which is applicable for all drives. Is there a way to adjust this? with every scrub i get alerts from my SSDs
  2. Zalasta

    Supermicro X11SSZ-F Watch Dog feature

    Hi I have bought a Supermicro X11SSZ-F but I am not sure if its a good idea to enable Watch dog(jumper on motherboard and bios settings)? Has anyone any experience with that? Kind Regards Jakob
  3. Hazimil

    SOLVED Problem setting up email using a domain from

    Hi All I'm trying to setup FreeNAS to use a new email account/domain from I have setup the email as follows: Outgoing mail server: Port to connect to: 465 TLS/SSL: SSL Use SMTP Authentication: ticked Username & password: are correct However, when I try to...
  4. T

    Migrar config do FreeNAS 10 para 9/11

    Olá! Olá já conseguiu migrar a config de do FreeNAS 10 para o 11? Eu tenho um FreeNAS que fiz upgrade para a versão 10, apaguei os o outro boot enviroment (2º erro). Também não tenho backup das settings anteriores (2ºerro). Já vi este post, mas vi forma de como fazer esta migração...
  5. J

    4 users how to set privilleges rules..

    Hello I have installed Freenas, and I have 4 users.. User1 will be sent files to user2, and user3 and user4.. (folders user1, user2, user3, user4) User2 will be sent files to user1 and user3 and user4.. (folders user1, user2, user3, user4) How to set that this will work .. when user1 sent...