bhyve ubuntu server

  1. T

    NFS shares not mounted in bhyve VM

    Hi there, I had been running an Ubuntu Server VM on my FreeNAS instance for several years. Since my update to FreeNAS 9.3(?), this VM started to make more and more trouble which was annoying as the VM is used as both DHCP server and as Squid proxy server. I then decided to switch over to bhyve...
  2. nathanbeach

    bhyve linux vm won't boot until vnc port is visited (FreeNAS 11u3)

    Hi, I have an Ubuntu 17.04 server VM running on FreeNAS 11u3 with bhyve. Works perfectly in every way except that boot will not start on its own. I have to connect to the FreeNAS VNC port (5901) for the VM, then the boot process starts up. Otherwise the VM just sits there doing nothing until...
  3. B

    Migrating bhyve VMs from FreeNAS-9.10.2-U5 to FreeNAS 11

    Hi everyone, I'm currently running FreeNAS-9.10.2-U5 and using a bhyve VM to run a Ubuntu Server. Prior to updating to U5 yesterday, everything was working fine, but now I'm having network connectivity issue within the guest OS (can't seem to have access to internet anymore, even if the bridge...
  4. nello

    Crashplan Running on Ubuntu in bhyve

    Thanks to help from @m0nkey_ and this tutorial, I created a Virtual Machine (VM) using bhyve and installed Ubuntu 16: But I don't understand how to access my new Ubuntu server. Is it strictly a command-line...
  5. M

    bhyve and ubuntu

    Greetings, I have successfully installed a FreeBSD guest on bhyve running on a FreeNAS-9.10-STABLE-201606270534 (dd17351) system. When I try to follow the steps to do the same for a ubuntu distribution (2º guest) the iohyve tool hangs during the install command. My environment is as follows...