Where's my zpool history gone...?


Apr 8, 2016
I have a long-standing set of pools, with numerous datasets. I'm used to using zpool history as a reminder how they were set up, or modified over time. But this data all seems to have gone. Literally, the only data present, is the original creation of the pool (but not datasets), and snapshot creation/destruction, scrubs, and other events.

Where's my zfs dataset and volume and properties changes gone to?

Any help appreciated!

For reference, this is the scan of history across my entire system, removing irrelevant data.....

# zpool history | head -n 5
History for 'Pool1':
2020-08-01.17:13:23 zpool create -f -o altroot=/mnt -o cachefile=/data/zfs/zpool.cache -o failmode=continue -o autoexpand=on -o ashift=12 -O compression=lz4 -O aclinherit=passthrough -O aclmode=restricted -O casesensitivity=sensitive -O dedup=sha512 -O atime=off -O normalization=none -O utf8only=off -O snapdev=visible -O snapdir=visible -O snapshot_limit=10500000 -O mountpoint=/pool1 -m /pool1 pool1 mirror da0p2 da1p2 mirror da3p2 da6p2 mirror da11p2 da13p2 mirror da8p2 da9p2 log mirror nvd0p2 nvd1p2 special mirror nvd0p1 nvd1p1
2021-07-30.20:45:44 zfs destroy Pool1/files/s1@auto_2021.07.27-20.30.00
2021-07-30.20:45:45 zfs destroy Pool1/files/tmp@auto_2021.07.27-20.30.00
2021-07-30.20:45:46 zfs destroy Pool1/files/users@auto_2021.07.27-20.30.00

# zpool history | grep -viE '([0-9] +zpool (destroy|snapshot -r|send|import|export|scrub|set cachefile)|[0-9] +zfs (destroy|snapshot|send)|boot-pool)'
History for 'Pool1':
2020-08-01.17:13:23 zpool create -f -o altroot=/mnt -o cachefile=/data/zfs/zpool.cache -o failmode=continue -o autoexpand=on -o ashift=12 -O compression=lz4 -O aclinherit=passthrough -O aclmode=restricted -O casesensitivity=sensitive -O dedup=sha512 -O atime=off -O normalization=none -O utf8only=off -O snapdev=visible -O snapdir=visible -O snapshot_limit=10500000 -O mountpoint=/pool1 -m /pool1 pool1 mirror da0p2 da1p2 mirror da3p2 da6p2 mirror da11p2 da13p2 mirror da8p2 da9p2 log mirror nvd0p2 nvd1p2 special mirror nvd0p1 nvd1p1
2021-12-07.05:41:05 zfs set org.freebsd.ioc:active=yes Pool1
2022-04-10.13:18:13 zpool clear Pool1 nvd1p1

History for 'Pool2':
2020-12-29.15:11:22 zpool create -f -o altroot=/mnt -o cachefile=/data/zfs/zpool.cache -o ashift=12 -o autoexpand=on -o autotrim=on -o failmode=continue -O aclinherit=passthrough -O aclmode=restricted -O acltype=nfsv4 -O atime=off -O compression=zstd-10 -O dedup=sha512 -O dnodesize=auto -O snapdev=visible -O snapdir=visible -O special_small_blocks=0 -O xattr=sa -O casesensitivity=sensitive -O normalization=none -O snapshot_limit=10500000 -O utf8only=off -O mountpoint=/Pool2 -m /Pool2 Pool2 da19 special mirror nvd3 nvd5

2020-08-13.19:07:03 zpool upgrade -a
2020-09-04.16:08:39 zpool upgrade -a

And that's it....