I asked that same question when I was setting up my file server over at the FreeBSD forums, and while some suggested the 2 Vdevs in RAIDZ1, I decided not to go that way based on the advice I got over there, for two reasons :
1. Yes, two separate RAIDZ1 VDEVs can sustain two drive failures, but *only if the failures are not in the same vdev*. Which, granted, is unlikely, but there you go. (Also, the spare adds another wildcard in the equation, but with 7 drives, you'd probably have a hot spare anyways);
2. The performance advantage, from what I've gathered, would be minimal if you're using 100/1000 ethernet anyways. A 6-drive RAIDZ2 array will still saturate that connection.
So, I decided to go with a 6-drive RAIDZ2 array + hotspare (same exact situation as you, 7 drives). With a Gigabit switch, I see regular transfers at 80 Mb/sec, and sometimes even up to 100-110. I mostly depends on WHAT I'm transferring (single large files, like movie ISO's, transfer quite quickly, but the accompanying files that Media Companion generates - actors, thumbnails, etc. - are quite slower).