Transmission -> Scrape error: Could not connect to tracker

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Mar 11, 2012
I know this has been a topic before and I have read it carefully but found now remedie.

I have set up the latest versions and also runing the 8.3 version of FreeNas. I have followed the Youtube video part 1 and 2 for setting up the Jail and the transmission pbi.

I set up the interfaces to include the default gateway in my system, the netmask used on my networ and given the jail a IP in line with my newtork. I am able to ping the jail from the FreeNas and from a computer on my network. I can ping the FreeNas from inside the Jail and also ping the default gateway from inside the jail.

All permissions is wide open in order to test (the procedure in the video did not work for the jail and I changed the owner to root:wheel and opened the permissions to 777 in order to be allowed to write to resume dir etc..)

I have tried several torrents and several trackers none at all works. All works if I run them from uTorrent. I have noticed that the trackers are of type HTTP or UDP. I think I can conclude that the trackers are ok and the problem is in the setup of transmission.

I am totaly out of ideas and desperately need some help.


Mar 11, 2012
Can you ping from inside the jail? Does name resolution work inside the jail?

Sorry for the late attendance and thank you for showing an interest.

Yes I can ping Does name resolution work inside the jail? I have tried to ping an external adress fex Response is can not resolve Host name lookup failed!!!! If I ping from the root FreeNAS I get the same error. SO I guess DNS resolution does not work.

I had not specified DNS server in global setup. I have now and i can resolve IP names both inside and outside the jail.

It seems to be working OK now.

Thanks alot for pointing in the right direction. A little embarissing I should have tested this before posting :smile:
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