Transmission and Security


Dec 4, 2019
Greetings Everyone,

I am relatively new to Truenas but I am learning by the minute. Anyway, I have had my Truenas server up and running for over two years now. I have always maintained a separate pc (old, low powered etc) just for the purpose of downloading with transmission. Well, my downloads pc has finally given up and bit the dust. It was very old and I have gotten more than my money's worth from it. My questions are as follows:

I want to get transmission up and running again however I am on the fence as to whether I should get it up and running on my Truenas server or if I should maintain a dedicated pc. (If I maintain a dedicated pc/Rasberry pi or whatever the case then I would need to purchase components). Security is a concern as when I installed Truenas I elected not to have it available to the outside (only my internal server) if I remember correctly when I installed it that was the option I selected. By installing and setting up transmission wouldn't I be opening my server up to the outside? I absolutely want to avoid as much as possible my chances of my server being hacked/getting viruses etc. I have some very important photos and other data on my server that would be devastating to lose (I don't want to take any chances with it.) When setting up transmission and creating a share can it be isolated to the point that if something were to happen that the other shares of my server would be isolated and resistant.

How would you all handle this?
1. Get to the pc store get the components I need or purchase a pc/Rasberry pi and get everything back up and going (keep my downloads and my server separate)
2. Run transmission in a windows VM to my Truenas server? add windows/linux or whatever and add a VPN and call it a day? (How safe is this option)
3. Go ahead and get transmission up and running on the Truenas server)

It hasn't been too much of an issue but log ago one of my download systems actually did get infected. (Thankfully it was isolated) It hasn't happened in many, many years but I want to avoid that remote possibility altogether with my server.

Thanks everyone for your input and tips.