Today, I received an email from my freenas box with the following text:
Cargo is my ZFS volume and my datasets are depot, galaxy, globemaster, hercules and starlifter.
I have 5 cron jobs configured to backup my freenas box to a USB drive, but it's not scheduled to start until tomorrow, so I'm not sure if these errors are related to that. In my daily email from freenas, it shows that scrub was run 29 days ago and the threshold is 30 days.
The other strange thing I noticed is that when I checked the zpool status from the command line, scrub showed none requested - I thought it normally indicated the last time scrub was run. Is that normal?
tar: collectd/rrd/localhost/df/df-mnt-cargo-globemaster.rrd: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: collectd/rrd/localhost/df/df-mnt-cargo-hercules.rrd: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: collectd/rrd/localhost/df/df-mnt-cargo-starlifter.rrd: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: collectd/rrd/localhost/df/.df-mnt-cargo.rrd: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: collectd/rrd/localhost/df/.df-mnt-cargo-Test.rrd: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: collectd/rrd/localhost/df/.df-mnt-cargo-depot.rrd: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: collectd/rrd/localhost/df/.df-mnt-cargo-galaxy.rrd: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: collectd/rrd/localhost/df/.df-mnt-cargo-globemaster.rrd: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: collectd/rrd/localhost/df/.df-mnt-cargo-hercules.rrd: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: collectd/rrd/localhost/df/.df-mnt-cargo-starlifter.rrd: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
Cargo is my ZFS volume and my datasets are depot, galaxy, globemaster, hercules and starlifter.
I have 5 cron jobs configured to backup my freenas box to a USB drive, but it's not scheduled to start until tomorrow, so I'm not sure if these errors are related to that. In my daily email from freenas, it shows that scrub was run 29 days ago and the threshold is 30 days.
The other strange thing I noticed is that when I checked the zpool status from the command line, scrub showed none requested - I thought it normally indicated the last time scrub was run. Is that normal?