Replicated Zvol size in the Ui


Feb 5, 2023
Hey everyone, my apologies in advance if this has been answered but I could not find a answer anywhere.

snapshot then replicated zvols do not show in ui as original size, only show the refer size, but the command line reports the volsize correctly

Now for the too long:
I have been using zfs for a while now, learned enough to get me up and going, used freenas, then TN Core, then moved to proxmox with 2 zfs pools, but wanted to change things up a bit since TN Scale seems to be going good. So trying to follow a tute on how to use docker/portainer I spun up a Debian VM (100G), followed along and tanked somewhere along the way, and had to start over with a fresh VM, reinstall takes a bit so said to self, self your a dufus, make a copy and work from there. So now down that rabbit hole I go since TN Scale uses Zvol instead of the way proxmox did it..... Here we go boys and girls, did a lot of reading the last week or so and think I finally fingered it out, however one thing that still baffles me is the way the storage screen shows the new Zvol as being the refer size not the actual volsize.

Here is what I did to snapshot and replicate the VM Zvol

Here you can see the snapshot
root@truenas[~]# zfs list -t snapshot                                                                                 
NAME                                                                                                                    USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test                                                                               0B      -     4.09G  -

Replicate the snapshot
root@truenas[~]# zfs send -v pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test | zfs receive pool/virtual_machines/debtest
full send of pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test estimated size is 4.16G
total estimated size is 4.16G
TIME        SENT   SNAPSHOT pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:30   33.4M   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:31    204M   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:32    530M   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:33    744M   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:34    978M   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:35   1.21G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:36   1.46G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:37   1.75G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:38   2.00G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:39   2.19G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:40   2.33G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:41   2.42G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:42   2.53G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:43   2.72G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:44   2.98G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:45   3.29G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:46   3.50G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:47   3.76G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:48   3.92G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
22:53:49   4.07G   pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test

Destroy the snapshot and original VM
zfs destroy  pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y@test
zfs destroy  pool/virtual_machines/debian_11-diip9y

and finally the volsize is the same the original VM
root@truenas[~]# zfs get all pool/virtual_machines/debtest
NAME                           PROPERTY                 VALUE                         SOURCE
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  type                     volume                        -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  creation                 Mon Feb  6 22:53 2023         -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  used                     4.09G                         -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  available                4.40T                         -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  referenced               4.09G                         -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  compressratio            1.00x                         -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  reservation              none                          default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  volsize                  100G                          local
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  volblocksize             32K                           -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  checksum                 on                            default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  compression              off                           default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  readonly                 off                           default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  createtxg                11679765                      -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  copies                   1                             inherited from pool/virtual_machines
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  refreservation           none                          default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  guid                     16229713511141347148          -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  primarycache             all                           default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  secondarycache           all                           default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  usedbysnapshots          0B                            -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  usedbydataset            4.09G                         -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  usedbychildren           0B                            -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  usedbyrefreservation     0B                            -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  logbias                  latency                       default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  objsetid                 30547                         -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  dedup                    off                           default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  mlslabel                 none                          default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  sync                     standard                      default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  refcompressratio         1.00x                         -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  written                  0                             -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  logicalused              4.07G                         -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  logicalreferenced        4.07G                         -
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  volmode                  default                       default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  snapshot_limit           none                          default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  snapshot_count           none                          default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  snapdev                  hidden                        default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  context                  none                          default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  fscontext                none                          default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  defcontext               none                          default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  rootcontext              none                          default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  redundant_metadata       all                           default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  encryption               off                           default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  keylocation              none                          default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  keyformat                none                          default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  pbkdf2iters              0                             default
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  org.truenas:managedby                inherited from pool/virtual_machines
pool/virtual_machines/debtest  org.freenas:description  dataset for virtual machines  inherited from pool/virtual_machines

changed VM to use debtest Zvol and everything woks perfect

So anyway I know I probably wrote a lot for nothing, but hey, gotta learn somehow.

I am sure this has something to do with the way ZFS reports data, but I am still curious, is there a way for TN to report this new volume as the correct size, might just be my OCD, but I prefer to see what my disk usage is, including the entire VM volume, not just what it is taking up currently.

Thanks guys for taking the time to read, if I did something wrong, I am all ears, and don't mind criticism.
