Proxmox baremetal + Truenas Scale baremetal permissions


Mar 16, 2015
Hi, I am new to Truenas Scale and just have some questions on how to make the datasets work with Proxmox. I want to create dataset for Nextcloud data directory on Truenas and use NFS to connect it to my Proxmox LXC container. This is what I tried to do:

  1. I have created a user /group for proxmox called 'pveuser'.
  2. Created a dataset with default options and 'generic' permissions for nextcloud
  3. This where I am confused. Do I have to change the user/group for the dataset to www-data/www-data or pveuser/pveuser? I thought nextcloud requires the user/group to be www-data but then I can't access the dataset via NFS on proxmox (it complains about permissions).
  4. Then I created a NFS share to this dataset. Do I need to change anything for the mapalluser section?
  5. Went to Proxmox storage and added NFS share to dataset

Another question is, when I create other dataset (say for plex, I create a Media dataset), do I select 'Generic' or 'SMB'? When would I use 'SMB'?

My plan is to create datasets for: Media (for plex and arr's), Photos(to be used by photoprism), Backups (windows pc, mac). Would I use 'Generic' for all of these datasets when I create them and select 'samba authentication'?
