Partition size problems on 8.01 /etc over capacity on fresh install

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Aug 24, 2011
I just installed 8.01 on a brand new box. I was trying to rsync my files from my FreeNAS 7 box over to the new one and after some fussing with permissions thought to login as root. As root had the default password, I thought I'd change it to something a little less obvious. This is initial login - no new codes or patches installed, just a fresh off the CD install of 8.01.

freenas# passwd
Changing local password for root
New Password:
Retype New Password:

/etc: write failed, filesystem is full
pwd_mkdb: /etc/pwd.db to /etc/pwd.db.tmp: No space left on device
passwd: pam_chauthtok(): error in service module


freenas# df
Filesystem          1K-blocks     Used       Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ufs/FreeNASs1a      948903 407573      465417    47%    /
devfs                         1      1           0   100%    /dev
/dev/md0                   4526   4486        -322   108%    /etc
/dev/md1                    686      8         624     1%    /mnt
/dev/md2                  76526  14462       55942    21%    /var
/dev/ufs/FreeNASs4        20263    700       17942     4%    /data
Tank                11804969442    275 11804969167     0%    /mnt/Tank


So I start in on resizing the partitions but looking through the forums for any other users with similar problems I find some kind of cranky posts that suggest that the 1GB file size is hard coded and any attempts at resizing are doomed to failure. Odd that 8.01 specs 2+GB for the flash size (my flash is a manly 4GB).

Changing the root password is a fairly standard operation that should be supported. If the minimum hardware requirement is increased to 2GB (which doesn't seem like a huge imposition these days) then, by all means, use it to create a little breathing room in the file system. As this is a fresh install I think I will try resizing anyway and if it fails, it is just a reinstall or wait for 8.1...


Aug 24, 2011
I pussied out and didn't resize the partitions. /etc/mail was using about 60% of the partition so I symlinked it to the spacious /data partition where it only ate up 11%-ish of the space. No problem changing the password now.

On FreeNAS 7 I ended up symlinking the log files onto the /mnt partition to solve some space errors there.


Jul 1, 2011
Not sure why your /etc is full, but FreeNAS 8 does things A LOT differently than FreeNAS .7, as has been pointed out so many times in these forums. Your passwd change will not persist during a reboot as settings/passwords/etc. are stored in the FreeNAS database in the /data partition. If you set your password from the GUI, you'll be ok. The 'spacious' /data partition is needed for reports and other system stuff, so if some 'mail' event happens to fill up your /data partition, your may run into problems. Just FYI

Since you're new to the forums, you probably didn't see this post:


Welcome to FreeNAS 8.x ;-)


Aug 24, 2011
Strange, changing the password via the web interface for root does not take - neither immediately nor after reboot (I did try that first before resorting to the command line). But, sure enough, the command line change didn't stick after a reboot.

Problem with mail is the aliases file (1.9M). I'm betting the two issues - password change via the web interface, aliases file appending rather than overwriting - are connected. I show FreeNAS-8.0.1-BETA4-i386. Wrong image. DOH! I'll try with appropriate AMD64 image. No wonder reporting showed max 2GB RAM.


Aug 24, 2011
above problem solved with FreeNAS-8r7350-amd64
I couldn't get 8.0.1 AMD to load, even wiping the flash disk and clean installing. It would hang with no /boot/load error. So I tried a reinstall with FreeNAS-8r7350-amd64 which worked fine, but when I uploaded my saved 8.0.1-i386 config it hung at the same place. So I reinstalled over (no save) and that worked fine again, won't try up loading my config file this time. So far the aliases file is normal (no repeats, 1.7k) and setting root password works as described by protosd from the GUI.

One oddity, I can't change toggle HTTP/HTTPS form the gui. It checks the validity of the WebGUI Address on save and returns

Value u'' is not a valid choice.

I couldn't find any bugs listed on trac - I'd guess a minor sanitization error maybe.
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