openVPN client running but ip unchanged


Mar 30, 2022
I read every to look for answer before writing here but i didn't find any helpful material posted elsewhere.

I have 4G router with private ip (upstream NAT of the mobile operator) so I started an openVPN server on friend's home, with the objective to reach my NAS through the OpenVPN public ip.
I can connect from my mobile with Android openVPN client and it works (mobile gets ip address of the server) so OpenVPN server is OK.

Later I started openVPN client in Truenas. I succeeded to set up the connection, properly installing with CA and certificates. The service is running fine in TruenNas,
The issue is that if I check the ip address from the Truenas console, the ip is still the ip of the 4G basically the openVPN service client that is reported running, does not forward any LAN data to the openVPN tunnel.

Can anyone tell me how to forward all / partial outcoming LAN data to the installed and running openVPN client?

thanks for your support!