Nextcloud plugin questions


Nov 19, 2013
Hi, need some help on Nextcloud
On a TN 13 server , I recently added NC plugin and I'm stuck on several problems.
  1. my goal would be to have a SMB share with all rights allowed to one user in NC and all others users can only access their own folder (not even having read rights on folders they don't have to access)
  2. NC console says that smbclient is not isntalled and then choice is not available for external storage. How to add smbclient when install comes from nc plugin and not ordinary jail?
  3. i was hoping to add as mount point as necessary in NC jail to be able to link each mount poit to a group in NC and like that I was sure each group can only see what they are allowed, but this is impossible as you can set only one external storage so my idea is garbage.
  4. other thing I haven't found how to fix is when you update content in folders from a TN user logged in then NC folders are not updated, the only way I found is to force a DL from NC user and to refresh after DL and it seems to refresh content on NC, but this is boring.
So to resume , do you know a way to give in NC each user access a shared folder only ? and admin can see everything?
Also is there a way to add SMB/CIFS in NC plugin?
A quick and automatic content refresh from TN to NC?


Jun 10, 2022
I have exactly the same questions as you, I'm trying to setup Nextcloud as well.
Hope someone can help with this.