Mounting SMB share to jail and permissions


Jan 2, 2023
Hi everyone!

I'm starting my new year by setting up a TrueNAS Core server.
I would like to know about some best practices to setup a SMB share and using it as a mount point in a jail.
So I actually got it to work, but I'm curious if I did it "the right way".

Here's what I actually did:
First I setup the SMB share by creating a user, dataset and share. I gave full control to the dataset for the SMB user.
Then I installed the Plex plugin. After that I stopped the Plex jail and added a mount for the SMB dataset.
After starting Plex again and adding a library I noticed that I did not see the files that were copied on the SMB dataset.
To fix this I started a shell and lookup the user+group the plex process was running as.
I added this group to TrueNAS with the same ID, and gave this group modify permission on the SMB dataset.
Is this a good approach?

Is there a way to specify the user/group the application will be running as when installing a plugin?
I think TrueNAS Scale always uses the apps user. I think that makes it more convenient to set up permissions.