Looking to switch from ZFSGuru OS to FreeNAS 8.0...need help.

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Jul 11, 2011
Hello everyone!

I am currently using ZFSGuru (if anyone is familiar with this) and the support has kind of fallen off. I want to switch to FreeNAS 8.0, but want to make sure my 3.5+TB of data will still be there. I am a complete noob when it comes to this, so I apologize for a possibly idiotic question.

My current setup has ZFSGuru installed on an 8GB USB Flash drive with 6 Samsung F4's (2TB) in a raid-z. Since my OS is installed on a flash drive, is it as easy as installing FreeNAS to a USB drive and importing the already existing zpools? (hopefully I got the terminology correct)


Jun 1, 2011
I am currently using ZFSGuru (if anyone is familiar with this) and the support has kind of fallen off. I want to switch to FreeNAS 8.0, but want to make sure my 3.5+TB of data will still be there. I am a complete noob when it comes to this, so I apologize for a possibly idiotic question.

Depends - what version of ZFS are you running, I believe there was an experimental version of ZFSguru that used ZFS version 28.

ZFS is backward but not forward compatible, so if you're running a version 25 zpool it won't be supported by FreeNAS 8 which uses ZFS version 15. Check your ZFS version with "zpool upgrade" - if it's 15 or less it should import into FreeNAS 8 (I'd suggest at least 8.0.1-BETA2 which greatly improved the ZFS import process).

My current setup has ZFSGuru installed on an 8GB USB Flash drive with 6 Samsung F4's (2TB) in a raid-z. Since my OS is installed on a flash drive, is it as easy as installing FreeNAS to a USB drive and importing the already existing zpools? (hopefully I got the terminology correct)

Yes - a 2GB USB drive should be sufficient to run the latest BETA builds of FN8 (it recently increased from 1GB, so don't use a 1GB stick). As above, importing depends greatly on your version of ZFS, but if it's a supported version then it should import using the auto-import tool.
Jul 11, 2011
Thank you! I am running the stable version of ZFSGuru which is based on ZFS v.15. I am also using an 8GB USB drive, so I should be good there as well.

Thanks for your help!
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