LDAP + CIFS aren't playing nice HELP!!!! 3 days awake and going.

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Sep 11, 2011
Has anyone came across a problem with CIFS won't start after LDAP service is running. Recently, I have installed LDAP (CentOS-DS/389-DS) it's working great. I can authenticate all of linux boxes including (2) of my HP Micro Server Running FreeNAS (1) 8.0.1-B4x64 and (2) Running 8.0.1-RC1x64. I have configured LDAP. It works on both and Authenticates to shell, but when click on CIFS share add share it will pop-up message An error occurred, but when I turn off LDAP I can configure it. Also, When I click on permission for any of ZFS Dataset or Volumes It says the same message. Any clue how fix this? I looked the following (http://support.freenas.org/ticket/520) but It hasn't help'd me any.


Sep 29, 2011
I've made some progress on this front. I noticed that I was having trouble with TLS on my ldap configuration. The LDAP "service" wouldn't start if I had TLS enabled. After some flailing around (read: running ldapsearch in debug mode with TLS enabled) I found that it was failing due to file at /usr/local/etc/certs/cacert.crt being empty. This is populated by the Self-Signed Certificate field in the LDAP config dialog box. I had left it empty since my LDAP server has a commercially signed certificate. Once I copied the certificate into there, I was able to start LDAP with TLS enabled.

Then... I was able to get into the configurations for CIFS and AFP.


Jan 10, 2012
Schema problem

I'm facing the same problem with FreeNAS 8.0.3 and Lion Server.
AFP works just fine, CIFS does not authenticate, FTP is ok.
The problem is, that FreeNAS tries to use samba schema on LDAP but OpenDirectory on Lion Server does'nt have it.
The logs on FreeNAS shows this with:
"freenas: add_new_domain_info: failed to add domain dn= sambaDomainName=INT-GCOMM.CH,dc=gcack-osx01,dc=int-gcomm,dc=ch with: Invalid DN syntax"
As you can see FreeNAS tries to populate "sambaDomainName" but this parameter is totally unknown:
"gcack-osx01 slapd[590]: conn=11928 op=4 do_add: invalid dn (sambaDomainName=INT-GCOMM.CH,dc=gcack-osx01,dc=int-gcomm,dc=ch)"

I only have Lion Servers but I guess with Snow Leopard it will probably work (as it had Samba onboard). Someone could acknowledge this ?
A way around would be to use the Posix schema (rfc2307) which do not require all samba extensions.
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