Jellyfin container hardcoded with TZ=UTC


Sep 18, 2023
I'm having this issue with the TrueNAS (not Truecharts) Jellyfin app where times all display correctly in the web UI as far as activity logs, completion time of videos, etc, but scheduled tasks run based on UTC time and not local time. Others that have had this issue specifically with the dockerized Jellyfin say you need to set the TZ environment variable to your local timezone, and sure enough when I open a shell within the container TZ shows as being UTC and date returns UTC time. Only problem is when I try to set the environment variable on the app settings page TrueNAS throws up the following error message:

[EFAULT] Failed to update App: Container - Environment Variable [TZ] in [envList] tried to override the Environment Variable that is already defined in [fixedEnv]

I did a little poking around in the container config files and I certainly didn't see TZ being specified anywhere, but I'm very new to this whole docker/containerd/kubernetes/helm charts/etc thing so it's not overly surprising that I couldn't figure it out. Anybody know how I might be able to get this configured?

I'd rather not specify all the task times with a built in offset, but so far that's the best workaround I can come up with.
Mar 20, 2024
I've got the same error with the transmission app. It's a pain when using a speed schedule. Still searching for a solution to set the correct timezone.