Is the ZFS Volume dead or not? Help please.

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Jun 24, 2018
As this post ( was the only place I managed to find a similar description message I am receiving - I am scratching my head where to post this. The link above contains a question raised in a response to a bad news story about a failed disk, but was never responded to

FreeNas 9.3 - on a POWERNAS (purpose assembled in 2014 for FreeNAS by people much more clever than me)
uname -a
FreeBSD DWSNAS001.local 9.3-RELEASE-p28 FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE-p28 #0 r288272+f229c79: Sat Dec 12 11:58:01 PST 2015 amd64

Anyway, After a planned shutdown due to a national grid power failure this morning (UPS allowed me enough time to shutdown via the UI) on boot I am receiving this Red Alert on the console and am bit lost where to go

CRITICAL: The volume <__MYVOL__> (ZFS) state is UNAVAIL: One or more devices could not be opened. There are insufficient replicas for the pool to continue functioning.

I enclose a text log capture of the various obvious go to commands

I am stumped on this - I have had to rebuild the OS several times due to fried USB thumb drives - and ZFS has always been forgiving and just imported the encrypted Volume with a geli key and been away. But as I say - am stumped and really appreciate help please

I am stumped because I did a reboot after I could import the volume, without the geli key - but to a different location (normal was /mnt/DWSVOL1) It would mount only to /DWSVOL1 - and I could see all data easily. Now it won't let me do that even -

Obviously I have a backup of the data - but not of the critical jails that drive the various cloudy apps.

Help appreciated

Irnerd (but not quite enough)


  • VolumeIssue_July1st2018.pdf
    32.6 KB · Views: 292


Jun 24, 2018
Okay - have the zpool online - and can see top level directories in the pool -

But it is not mounting to its originally configured location

Can see snapshots right up until yesterday from the Volume
Rolled snapshot back to 18:00 yesterday
No change
see attached file for what I can see
> data sets - with no content

Thanks - in advance - for your patience and tolerance at my ineptitude


  • VolumeMinorProgress1.pdf
    34.2 KB · Views: 276


FreeNAS Generalissimo
Oct 15, 2013
Since the volume is encrypted (something I personally *never* recommend), I don't want to make matters any worse by misadvising you and having some cross-reaction with the encryption.

Hopefully someone can assist you. @m0nkey_ perhaps?


Jun 24, 2018
Forced the mount to occur at /usr/DWSVOL1 with a ln -s (probably wrongly)
Then - back to the Volumne zfs export, then zfs import - and hurrah - can see and navigate the data in its entirety

Next steps (advice on order? please?)
1) Configure the system so it is "stable" and won't do this again on reboot.
2) How to enable the system to see the Jails.

Not want to do 2 and have to do 2 again after stabilising the environment
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