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- Mar 20, 2015
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My First Build or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Process
Hello all,
I just had to share my experience with my first legitimate FreeNAS build. FreeNAS 11 was finally the version that was 'right' for me.
My FreeNAS history:
I had played with FreeNAS before (Version 8 and maybe earlier) but it was just too complex for my needs. Plus, after working all day, the last thing I wanted to come home to was more IT work or headaches. Synology met my needs and I'm still extremely satisfied with their products. However, the constant accumulation of more and more family vacation pics and videos and the increasing paranoia of losing all those items made me mentally commit to an ECC RAM based solution. Synology's ECC solutions were far too expensive and FreeNAS 9.x was looking better. I continued to patiently wait. I had grown comfortable with pfSense over the past 3 years. My current build is based on an AMD 5350 Kabini and an ASRock AM1H-ITX board with a dual Intel NIC installed. After v10(Corral) was released and it was announced v11 was going to be a major overhaul, I began planning my purchases. I was finally going to migrate over from forum lurker, FreeNAS researcher and playing around with FreeNAS VMs under VMWARE to the real thing. I've literally spent months casually skimming and reading through these forums, stumbling onto random blogs and websites with tutorials and advice, and watching YouTube videos (especially anything by Allan Jude). There were only two goals - to educate myself and enjoy the process. I wanted to fully understand what I was getting into, then make appropriate purchases and decisions based upon that knowledge.
In September I laid out a two part game plan for the forthcoming November/December holiday discount shopping season. This way I could know exactly what I wanted and focus solely on getting those products at discounts. By doing so, I ensured that I could move swiftly, purchase confidently and not make mistakes or miss out on steep price drops due to hesitation.
Part 1 - Make an informal short list of must-have bare-bones items - motherboard, cpu, ram, boot drive, power supply. Set deal alerts and purchase immediately.
Part 2 - Make an informal short list of luxury items that would be nice to get, but not necessarily required - grab a nice case like the Fractal Node 804, extra ram, spend more on a higher end board if price is right, silent case fans, etc.
Below are the results of my shopping experience. I bought everything piece by piece over the course of 3 months as super sales occurred. JEALOUSY ALERT: over the low prices!!!
Mobo: Supermicro X11SSH-F: Normally $210. I paid $180.
Processor: Intel Core i3-7100 Kaby Lake Processor 3.9GHz: Normally $119-$125. I paid $95.
Memory: Kingston 1x16GB ECC KVR24E17D8/16 DDR4-2400: Normally $185-$225. I paid $150. (I totally got lucky with this price!!! AMAZING considering current craziness of RAM prices!)
PSU: Seasonic Focus Plus 80+ GOLD 650W Fully Modular: Normally $80-85. I paid $30 ($50 sale price minus $20 manufacturer's rebate)
Boot Drive: ADATA Premier SP600 64GB 2.5 Inch SATA III SSD: Normally $40. I paid $25.
Storage SSD: 1x 250GB Samsung 850 EVO: Normally $95-$110. I paid $75.
Case Fans Cooler Master MasterFan Pro 120 1x Air Pressure and 1x Air Flow: Normally $18-$25 per item. I paid $7 per/$14 total.
NORMAL PRICES TOTALS: From $765 to $845 *This doesn't take into account extra costs like shipping and taxes.
WHAT I PAID TOTAL: $569 according to all the receipts added up including any and all shipping/taxes. *I also used 6 months interest free shopping options. I paid it off in full as I purchased, but still...nice if you need it, right? lol
MISC COSTS: I didn't calculate these things in but I donated rather nice sums to both the FreeBSDFoundation.org and to FreeNAS.org. They voluntarily sent me some wonderful FreeBSD and FreeNAS stickers without me asking. Awesome! Except some of the stickers are very old and say "FreeNAS 8"?! LOL!!!
*Normal prices reflect what they were at the time I was shopping - October through December.
**The prices I paid reflect the total price including shipping and taxes. I was extremely careful to get free shipping on everything and most online retailers didn't charge tax.
***All items were new retail. Nothing refurbished or bulk.
Why I purchased the above items.
MOBO: It's a Supermicro(DUH! lol), it's Micro-ATX, has 3 NICs(2 Intel), plenty of SATA ports and it's Intel 7th Gen. The Gravy? M.2 NVME and HTML5 IPMI!
PROC: It's powerful enough for me and it's low TDP.
RAM: The Kingston module was known to work with this motherboard and the price couldn't be beat.
PSU: It's a Seasonic and it was fully modular. The Gravy? The sale/rebate price and the Hybrid Silent Fan Control functions in three operational stages: Fanless Mode, Silent Mode, and Cooling Mode.
BOOT SSD: The ADATA Premier SP600 series has an excellent reputation for reliability and it was an excellent balance between price vs. value without going over the top. The Gravy? It's actually a VERY fast drive.
STORAGE SSD: I wanted an SSD to improve VM performance. I wasn't looking for a Samsung EVO but the price made it a sensible purchase. Another low cost ADATA SP600 would have been fine.
CASE FANS: I knew the CM MasterFans were quiet and I knew I was going to need better cooling for the CM case I was recycling. The Gravy? I got them for a steal and I can always put them into another PC when I swap cases in the spring.
What needs to be addressed in the future.
Within the next 6 months -
Honestly, I tried really hard to get 2x8GB Samsung sticks but couldn't make it happen. I would have preferred 2x8GB in the event one stick goes bad I could RMA it and still keep my box running. Que sera. It just didn't work out that way this time. If prices drop from their insane levels, I'll buy another module.
The Fractal Design Node 804 case was, and still is, selling for insane prices($120-$150!!!) due to high demand. I have alerts set and suspect it will get back down to it's normal retail price of $85 by the spring. In the meantime, I have a few spare cases in the attic and decided to build inside an old Cooler Master CM 330 Elite. It's got plenty of room, a small size, it does the job and those MasterFan Pro case fans really keep it silent. It's sitting 4 feet from me in my office and I can't hear it; even under load.
I decided to wait to purchase more WD RED HDs as well. The prices are coming down. I was going to grab 5x4TB for a RaidZ2 setup. However, I'm going to spend the next few months testing, improving, ruining, destroying, screwing up and recovering my new(not ready for prime-time) FreeNAS build so I didn't see any point in paying premium prices for 4TB drives now, when 6-8TB drive prices are dropping. In addition, I'm currently consuming 5TBs of space and I'll need some growth room. My previous plan required 5 drives, but I'd rather keep it simple and just do 4x6TB in RaidZ2. It keeps more affordable and certainly gives me plenty of the growth room I'll need for the next 2 or 3 years! Finally, I'm just testing and learning. I'm not migrating over yet. Why should I waste 3 or 4 months of precious hard drive warranty time?! For now, I have about 7 or 8 older 1TB drives I can play around with and learn on. Once I'm ready, I'll purchase the WD REDs and migrate over.
Once I'm comfortable I'll copy all data over from my DS415+ and FreeNAS will be my main NAS storage server. I'll demote the Synology into a local backup destination for FreeNAS and it can also serve as the family punching bag for media streaming, etc.
My box is close to my desk, so I'd like to add some budget Mellanox NICs and do 10Gigs via direct attached SFP+.
I have an older Synology DS211J in a relative's house and using that instead of cloud storage. It'll save me money and my backups will be readily available in minutes in the event of catastrophe. I'd like to setup my FreeNAS box to backup to this when I'm ready. I'll eventually replace this Synology with a FreeNAS box for this task too.
Within the next 18 months -
1 Dig more deeply into advanced features and CLI.
2 I'd like to learn from this new build, figure out if this meets my needs or if I need something more powerful, etc, etc, etc. IF FreeNAS is going to be right for me for the long-term (can't imagine why it wouldn't be), I'll take that knowledge and use it to build a new primary system, then convert this build into a dedicated FreeNAS backup appliance with the bonus benefits of ZFS & ECC.
I've shared my experience because this was a lot of fun. I'm extremely excited about Freenas 11.1. It's beautiful and feature-rich! Also, I've read a hundred times in these forums about people wanting to go cheap on their build but they're in a rush and 'Want it now!', only to end up wasting away in Regret-a-Rita-Ville. Hopefully, my experience and the above info/advice will sink in for some and teach others to slow down and plan it out. To have fun and focus more on enjoying the process.
Hello all,
I just had to share my experience with my first legitimate FreeNAS build. FreeNAS 11 was finally the version that was 'right' for me.
My FreeNAS history:
I had played with FreeNAS before (Version 8 and maybe earlier) but it was just too complex for my needs. Plus, after working all day, the last thing I wanted to come home to was more IT work or headaches. Synology met my needs and I'm still extremely satisfied with their products. However, the constant accumulation of more and more family vacation pics and videos and the increasing paranoia of losing all those items made me mentally commit to an ECC RAM based solution. Synology's ECC solutions were far too expensive and FreeNAS 9.x was looking better. I continued to patiently wait. I had grown comfortable with pfSense over the past 3 years. My current build is based on an AMD 5350 Kabini and an ASRock AM1H-ITX board with a dual Intel NIC installed. After v10(Corral) was released and it was announced v11 was going to be a major overhaul, I began planning my purchases. I was finally going to migrate over from forum lurker, FreeNAS researcher and playing around with FreeNAS VMs under VMWARE to the real thing. I've literally spent months casually skimming and reading through these forums, stumbling onto random blogs and websites with tutorials and advice, and watching YouTube videos (especially anything by Allan Jude). There were only two goals - to educate myself and enjoy the process. I wanted to fully understand what I was getting into, then make appropriate purchases and decisions based upon that knowledge.
In September I laid out a two part game plan for the forthcoming November/December holiday discount shopping season. This way I could know exactly what I wanted and focus solely on getting those products at discounts. By doing so, I ensured that I could move swiftly, purchase confidently and not make mistakes or miss out on steep price drops due to hesitation.
Part 1 - Make an informal short list of must-have bare-bones items - motherboard, cpu, ram, boot drive, power supply. Set deal alerts and purchase immediately.
Part 2 - Make an informal short list of luxury items that would be nice to get, but not necessarily required - grab a nice case like the Fractal Node 804, extra ram, spend more on a higher end board if price is right, silent case fans, etc.
Below are the results of my shopping experience. I bought everything piece by piece over the course of 3 months as super sales occurred. JEALOUSY ALERT: over the low prices!!!
Mobo: Supermicro X11SSH-F: Normally $210. I paid $180.
Processor: Intel Core i3-7100 Kaby Lake Processor 3.9GHz: Normally $119-$125. I paid $95.
Memory: Kingston 1x16GB ECC KVR24E17D8/16 DDR4-2400: Normally $185-$225. I paid $150. (I totally got lucky with this price!!! AMAZING considering current craziness of RAM prices!)
PSU: Seasonic Focus Plus 80+ GOLD 650W Fully Modular: Normally $80-85. I paid $30 ($50 sale price minus $20 manufacturer's rebate)
Boot Drive: ADATA Premier SP600 64GB 2.5 Inch SATA III SSD: Normally $40. I paid $25.
Storage SSD: 1x 250GB Samsung 850 EVO: Normally $95-$110. I paid $75.
Case Fans Cooler Master MasterFan Pro 120 1x Air Pressure and 1x Air Flow: Normally $18-$25 per item. I paid $7 per/$14 total.
NORMAL PRICES TOTALS: From $765 to $845 *This doesn't take into account extra costs like shipping and taxes.
WHAT I PAID TOTAL: $569 according to all the receipts added up including any and all shipping/taxes. *I also used 6 months interest free shopping options. I paid it off in full as I purchased, but still...nice if you need it, right? lol
MISC COSTS: I didn't calculate these things in but I donated rather nice sums to both the FreeBSDFoundation.org and to FreeNAS.org. They voluntarily sent me some wonderful FreeBSD and FreeNAS stickers without me asking. Awesome! Except some of the stickers are very old and say "FreeNAS 8"?! LOL!!!
*Normal prices reflect what they were at the time I was shopping - October through December.
**The prices I paid reflect the total price including shipping and taxes. I was extremely careful to get free shipping on everything and most online retailers didn't charge tax.
***All items were new retail. Nothing refurbished or bulk.
Why I purchased the above items.
MOBO: It's a Supermicro(DUH! lol), it's Micro-ATX, has 3 NICs(2 Intel), plenty of SATA ports and it's Intel 7th Gen. The Gravy? M.2 NVME and HTML5 IPMI!
PROC: It's powerful enough for me and it's low TDP.
RAM: The Kingston module was known to work with this motherboard and the price couldn't be beat.
PSU: It's a Seasonic and it was fully modular. The Gravy? The sale/rebate price and the Hybrid Silent Fan Control functions in three operational stages: Fanless Mode, Silent Mode, and Cooling Mode.
BOOT SSD: The ADATA Premier SP600 series has an excellent reputation for reliability and it was an excellent balance between price vs. value without going over the top. The Gravy? It's actually a VERY fast drive.
STORAGE SSD: I wanted an SSD to improve VM performance. I wasn't looking for a Samsung EVO but the price made it a sensible purchase. Another low cost ADATA SP600 would have been fine.
CASE FANS: I knew the CM MasterFans were quiet and I knew I was going to need better cooling for the CM case I was recycling. The Gravy? I got them for a steal and I can always put them into another PC when I swap cases in the spring.
What needs to be addressed in the future.
Within the next 6 months -
Honestly, I tried really hard to get 2x8GB Samsung sticks but couldn't make it happen. I would have preferred 2x8GB in the event one stick goes bad I could RMA it and still keep my box running. Que sera. It just didn't work out that way this time. If prices drop from their insane levels, I'll buy another module.
The Fractal Design Node 804 case was, and still is, selling for insane prices($120-$150!!!) due to high demand. I have alerts set and suspect it will get back down to it's normal retail price of $85 by the spring. In the meantime, I have a few spare cases in the attic and decided to build inside an old Cooler Master CM 330 Elite. It's got plenty of room, a small size, it does the job and those MasterFan Pro case fans really keep it silent. It's sitting 4 feet from me in my office and I can't hear it; even under load.
I decided to wait to purchase more WD RED HDs as well. The prices are coming down. I was going to grab 5x4TB for a RaidZ2 setup. However, I'm going to spend the next few months testing, improving, ruining, destroying, screwing up and recovering my new(not ready for prime-time) FreeNAS build so I didn't see any point in paying premium prices for 4TB drives now, when 6-8TB drive prices are dropping. In addition, I'm currently consuming 5TBs of space and I'll need some growth room. My previous plan required 5 drives, but I'd rather keep it simple and just do 4x6TB in RaidZ2. It keeps more affordable and certainly gives me plenty of the growth room I'll need for the next 2 or 3 years! Finally, I'm just testing and learning. I'm not migrating over yet. Why should I waste 3 or 4 months of precious hard drive warranty time?! For now, I have about 7 or 8 older 1TB drives I can play around with and learn on. Once I'm ready, I'll purchase the WD REDs and migrate over.
Once I'm comfortable I'll copy all data over from my DS415+ and FreeNAS will be my main NAS storage server. I'll demote the Synology into a local backup destination for FreeNAS and it can also serve as the family punching bag for media streaming, etc.
My box is close to my desk, so I'd like to add some budget Mellanox NICs and do 10Gigs via direct attached SFP+.
I have an older Synology DS211J in a relative's house and using that instead of cloud storage. It'll save me money and my backups will be readily available in minutes in the event of catastrophe. I'd like to setup my FreeNAS box to backup to this when I'm ready. I'll eventually replace this Synology with a FreeNAS box for this task too.
Within the next 18 months -
1 Dig more deeply into advanced features and CLI.
2 I'd like to learn from this new build, figure out if this meets my needs or if I need something more powerful, etc, etc, etc. IF FreeNAS is going to be right for me for the long-term (can't imagine why it wouldn't be), I'll take that knowledge and use it to build a new primary system, then convert this build into a dedicated FreeNAS backup appliance with the bonus benefits of ZFS & ECC.
I've shared my experience because this was a lot of fun. I'm extremely excited about Freenas 11.1. It's beautiful and feature-rich! Also, I've read a hundred times in these forums about people wanting to go cheap on their build but they're in a rush and 'Want it now!', only to end up wasting away in Regret-a-Rita-Ville. Hopefully, my experience and the above info/advice will sink in for some and teach others to slow down and plan it out. To have fun and focus more on enjoying the process.
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