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Mar 31, 2018
Hi. I'm new and really excited to FreeNAS. I have read quite a lot on this forum about FreeNAS but i didn't have a popper hw. And guess what. I still don't. I just bought an apartment so I used all saved money. But I have old AMD Athlon II X3 435 with one 500 gb hdd and 2x 320 gb hdd so I have started with this setup. I'm junior java and java script developer bud I don't have experience with unix or linux so this setup will by more for testing and learning. Till now I was able to setup FreeNAS and couple jails like VPN, transmission and plex. I'm from Slovakia (middle europe) so sorry for my english. I read lot of stuff on stackoverflow so understanding is not a problem but make a text by myself can be. Have nice day :)


Feb 7, 2017
I have tried FreeNAS on every one of my old PC. All work OK as all I need is a boot drive which can be a USB flash and hard disks for the zpool. The Zpool can be moved around from machine to machine.

To get the best out of FreeNAS one needs a lot of memory and a PC that can house as many hard drives as possible.

Server grade hardware component helps too as if you have the FreeNAS on 24-7 and reliability will show up in every department of your hardware.
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